
Editorial by Konstantin O. Papailiou, new President of CIGRE

By Konstantin O. Papailiou

President of CIGRE

Dear CIGRE Colleagues,

Twenty years ago, in 2004, the Olympic Games came back to Athens, where they had been held in 1896 for the first time after an initiative of a French nobleman and his Greek friend; I had then the chance to serve as one of the many volunteers. This year the Games took place in Paris, coinciding with the 50th Session of CIGRE; I got again a chance to serve as a volunteer, this time as the President of CIGRE.

Olympic Games and CIGRE have many things in common: Both thrive for excellence, are inclusive, connect people, meet at great places, and are fun. Also new records were set during the Games in Paris and our Session. We have had the largest number of registrations (4,575), papers (1,200), exhibitors (315) and visitors (11,000).

Evidently such a huge success does not come out of the blue. It is the result of hard work and excellent management by the CIGRE officers and the Central Office team. For this I would like to thank from heart my good friends, immediate past President Michel Augonnet, VP Technical Marcio Szechtman, VP Finance and Marketing Mike Heyeck, and Secretary General Philippe Adam. They managed the impossible! Not only they have steered with a steady hand, together with another good friend, past President Rob Stephen, CIGRE through the pandemic, at the same time they have prepared a future oriented strategic plan, improved our financial situation and attracted a great number of new members; we will soon be exceeding the 20,000 mark!

I have been fortunate enough to serve CIGRE for quite a long time. Starting as WG member, then Secretary and WG Convenor, the highlight of my CIGRE career – until now – has been my tenure as SC Chairman for SC B2 (Overhead Lines) from 2010 to 2016. And now I am getting a huge chance to serve as President!

It is my honour and privilege to be at the helm of an organisation, which is to use an Olympic term, in top form. And my challenge will be to continue, together with the new VP Technical Rannveig Loken, VP Marketing and Finance Mike Heyeck who stays on board, and evidently with our Secretary General Philippe Adam, the CIGRE success story.

Here are some of the issues on which I would like to focus:

  • National Committees: The National Committees are the backbone of CIGRE, as they interact directly with our members. Supporting them in their activities, e.g. by providing technical expertise, but also liaison with other NCs, is crucial. My plan is to visit each NC and formulate an action plan for their further development and progress.
  • Voice of CIGRE: In a media dominated world, CIGRE’s advice should be heard and valued by decision makers. As it is impartial, inclusive and not profit-driven, it must become a “one-stop-shop” for unbiased information in the field of electrical networks from end-to-end. I plan to personally visit key persons in industry, academia and government agencies and present them the benefits of CIGRE.
  • CIGRE Seniors: Keeping in mind the shortage of talent our branch is facing, increased participation of our NGN and WiE will play a crucial role toward our goal, i.e. sustainable and affordable energy for all. But at the same time, we cannot afford to lose the talent of our highly qualified experts, who are finishing their term as WG members, Convenors, SC Chairs, after having greatly contributed to the legacy of CIGRE. My plan is to create for them the LGN (Legacy Generation Network), so that they can continue to serve CIGRE as advisors, tutors or mentors. 

As I settle into my new role, I look forward to hearing from you and am open to ideas and suggestions that will ensure CIGRE’s continued development.

Thank you all for the confidence you entrust me,

Konstantin O. Papailiou

CIGRE TV 2024 interview with Konstantin Papailiou

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