Life of the association

An exciting new era ahead for the energy transition as the CIGRE 2024 Paris Session breaks records

The 2024 Paris Session (August 25-30) broke every record in CIGRE’s 103 years. It is not only testimony for CIGRE, but also to Paris, the City of Lights. The Paris Session occurred between the Summer Olympics and the Paralympics. While concerned at first, registrations, exhibitions, and visitors exceeded every expectation. Every day the exhibition was bustling, meeting rooms filled, and poster sessions were well attended.

By Michael HEYECK

CIGRE VP Finance & Treasurer

CIGRE 2024 Paris Session breaks records

4,575 Delegates
11,000 participants
1,200 papers selected
99 countries

We registered 4,575 delegates, 20% more than the previous record in 2018. With the many exhibitors, visitors, members of Study Committees and Working Groups who met during the event, more than 11,000 participants mingled at the Palais des Congrès de Paris, with an average of 5,000 per day. One of the reasons for this record turnout was certainly the number of reports on papers selected: 1,200, 50% more than in previous years.

Certainly, our signature biennial event in Paris attracts many across the world. Delegates came from 99 countries, but with visitors and others, the number of countries represented was higher. This was our 50th Paris Session with an established and storied continuity of 103 years.

An event of this magnitude does not come without a lot of work. The CIGRE Central Office geared up for months to make sure everything was well choreographed. The Exhibition Team was also outstanding selling every square meter. If you were there, you noticed we opened the spacious lobby for registrations and security filling every square meter across three levels above.

We also acknowledge the architects of the technical program, i.e., the Study Committees coordinated by the Technical Council, and with the unconditional support of the leadership team and the Steering Committee. Thanks also to the many reviewers who contributed to the quality of the papers.

Certainly, CIGRE’s foundation is well supported by thousands of volunteers sharing knowledge and benchmarking best practices for the energy transition. Their efforts, whether in Paris or from home from contributions made, helped broaden CIGRE to its technology end-to-end (E2E) focus for sustainable electricity for all. Many new entrants, beyond traditional grid players, were noted in contributions and exhibits from the grid to all facets at the grid’s edge.

The Opening Ceremony commenced with CIGRE President Michel AUGONNET about CIGRE’s state of the association. The keynote address was provided by Mr. Keisuke SADAMORI, Director of Energy Markets and Security at the International Energy Agency (IEA), He spoke on the integration of renewable energy and its implications for network security and energy markets worldwide.


Since the CIGRE Paris Session is 16 conference threads aligning with our 16 Study Committee domains, at the Opening Ceremony, Technical Council Chair, Marcio SZECHTMAN, presented the week's program displaying the integrated nature of CIGRE’s technical domains across the energy transition.

If you visit, you will see the energy transition “doors” that notes how each of the 16 Study Committees work on each facet of the energy transition. They are Digitization, Storage, Grids & Flexibility, Sustainability & Climate, Solar PV & Wind, Hydrogen, Consumers, Prosumers, & Electric Vehicles, and Sector Integration.

At the Opening Ceremony, as is our CIGRE tradition, we acknowledge our finest volunteers with awards. Our top award is the CIGRE Medal, and we awarded two, Dr. Mladen KEZUNOVIC, and Prof. Ja-Yoon KOO. We also awarded 25 of our members for CIGRE Fellow, CIGRE Honorary, Women in Energy, and Next Generation Network awards.

Apart from the opening panels on Monday, including the highly attended workshop on Large Disturbances, it was the poster sessions that attracted the most participants, between 1,100 and 1,600, during five days.

Opening Panel

Poster session

Do you want to see more records? Mark your calendars for CIGRE 2026 Paris Session, August 23-28, 2026. Will we break records again? Count on it!

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CIGRE transitions well for the new era ahead

During this Session, the Administrative Council of CIGRE elected a new President, Konstantin PAPAILIOU, and a new Technical Council Chair, Rannveig LOKEN who is the first woman to be elected to this position in the history of CIGRE. I was unanimously reappointed as Treasurer of CIGRE for an extended mandate for the next two years.

In the last four years, who knew we would endure the pandemic? CIGRE remained relevant and grew in members, technical publications, and finances the past four years due to our technical foundation broadening to the energy transition, our digital platform to share knowledge with the world for power system expertise, and our thousands of volunteers. We created a new strategic plan recently for the energy transition to a horizon of 2030, updating the prior 2018 plan.

The two officers that ended their terms at this Paris Session are CIGRE President Michel AUGONNET, and Technical Council Chair, Marcio SZECHTMAN.

Michel’s visionary guidance has been instrumental in navigating CIGRE through dynamic times, fostering innovation, collaboration, and growth. His commitment to our mission has left a lasting impact on the global power systems community. Prior to this four-year term, Michel served as Treasurer in the prior four years.

Marcio's tenure as Technical Council Chair has been equally remarkable. His expertise and passion for advancing technical excellence have propelled our initiatives forward, ensuring that CIGRE continues to be at the forefront of industry developments. Marcio volunteered his time as Technical Council Chair for the last six years.

We are thrilled to welcome Konstantin PAPAILIOU as the new President of CIGRE. With his experience and commitment to our goals, we are excited to see how he will steer our organization into new horizons. He is committed to engagement with National Committees and the CIGRE Strategic Plan.

A special congratulations to Rannveig LOKEN, who has made history as the first woman to be named Chair of the CIGRE Technical Council. This is a landmark moment for our community, reflecting our commitment to diversity and inclusivity, and we are eager to see the fresh perspectives and innovative ideas she will bring to the table.

As for me, I will help provide continuity to our new, but well experienced CIGRE leaders as CIGRE VP Finance and Treasurer. As convener of the approved CIGRE Strategic Plan, I will help the leadership team grow CIGRE for the betterment of society in the energy transition.

There is one team of excellence I would like to acknowledge once again. Our CIGRE Central Office Team works tirelessly for CIGRE – for you. Their leader, Philippe ADAM, CIGRE Secretary General, steeped in CIGRE history and contributions, is our constant for CIGRE leadership and growth.

Life of Association

The ELECTRA 'Life of the Association' section offers the latest on our people and events from across the 94 countries in CIGRE's global community.

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