CIGRE International Symposium Trondheim 2025 - Call for papers
Changes needed in the Power System for the Energy Transition

Hosted by the Nordic Regional Council of CIGRE (NRCC)
Symposium theme
The CIGRE NRCC 2025 symposium in Trondheim will be on the theme: Changes Needed in The Power System - for the Energy Transition. This will be divided into two topic streams:
PS1: Integration of renewable energy resources to the grid
- Environmentally friendly power grid and its equipment
- New applications and technologies applied to AC and DC onshore and offshore grid
- AC and DC onshore and offshore grid
- AC grid development, protection of the future meshed AC and DC system
- Sector integration including hydrogen, EV, energy hubs, DER
- Services/operation applied to AC and DC onshore and offshore grid
- Monitoring the system applied to AC and DC onshore and offshore grid
- Maintenance and Services applied to AC and DC onshore and offshore grid
PS2: Technologies supporting the power grid for energy transition to carbon neutral energy production
- Requirements for power grid and its equipment
- Inverter based control interacting with existing system and Converter stability issues (resonance stability, converter driven stability)
- Coordination between AC and DC networks
- Grid forming
- Multivendor interoperability
- New modelling tools
- Planning and operation of lower inertia system
- System analysis (technical)
- Black start and resilience aspects including DER integration
- Optimize and increase the capacity of the energy transmission network
- Reliability and security – critical infrastructure
Participating Study Committees
- A3 - Transmission and distribution equipment
- B1 - Insulated cables (co-lead)
- B2 - Overhead lines
- B3 - Substations and electrical installations
- B4 - DC systems and power electronics
- B5 - Protection and automation
- C2 - Power system operation and control
- C3 - Power system sustainability and environmental performance
- C4 - Power system technical performance (co-lead)
- C6 - Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources
- D2 - Information systems telecommunications and cybersecurity
Download the Call for Papers (June update)
Paper publication
Papers will be available to download one month in advance of the symposium for registered participants as described in the webpage.
One month after the symposium, CIGRE members can download, and other can purchase papers on eCIGRE.
CIGRE Science & Engineering (CSE) journal will publish the best papers selected from the symposium.
The Symposium Technical Committee will produce a summary report of the symposium for publication in ELECTRA.
Submission of synopses
Participants wishing to present and publish papers should submit synopses by following the instructions on the Symposium website, where the synopses and paper templates are also available. All synopses, papers, and presentations must be in English. Please note that at least one author should present the paper at the symposium.
Authors should note the following deadlines:
- Registration starts: June 1, 2024
- Deadline for Synopses in ConfTool: New deadline (June update) September 12, 2024
- Selection of synopses by SCs and information to authors: October 7, 2024
- Deadline for full papers: February 3, 2025
- Acceptance and other feedback to authors of full papers: March 3, 2025
- Final papers to ConfTool: April 7, 2025

Registration information will be available from the Symposium website.
Thumbnail & banner credit: Photo by Louis Droege on Unsplash