CIGRE Fellows 2024 Recipients
The "CIGRE Fellow" award is attributed for active participation in the activities of the technical work of the Study Committees and for providing a lead technical role in the Study Committees (maximum five awards every two years).

The Recipients 2024 are:

Jinliang HE
In acknowledgement of his active participation to the activities of the Association as convenor of C4.26, C4/A3.53 & C4.61 and for his contributions to lightning and overvoltage protection technologies of power systems.
In acknowledgement of her active participation to the activities of the Association on a national and international level, within Study Committee A1 as convener of WG A1.39 and Chair of the Advisory Group A1.01.

In acknowledgement of his active participation to the activities of the Association, as liaison member of IEC TC 20 to CIGRE B1 from 2014 to 2020 & as convener of Working Groups B1.25, B1.88, B1/B3.49, B1/B3.33.
In acknowledgement of his active participation to the activities of the Association as member of the Administrative Council from 2015 to 2022 and represented the Administrative Council at the Technical Council from 2017 to 2019.

Eduardo Marcio TEIXEIRA NERY
In acknowledgement of his active participation in the activities of the Association since 1974. He held leadership positions in SC Protection and Automation, SC Future Systems, and the Brazilian National Committee.
CIGRE grants 7 kinds of distinctions in recognition of the services rendered by members. More information on