Life of the association

Introducing six new Study Committee Chairs

SC A1 - Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion


Howard Sedding

Summary of experience within CIGRE

  • Active participation in CIGRE since 1990; SC A1 & D1
  • Co-authored/presented 12 papers at CIGRE general sessions and colloquia
  • Contributed to several A1 and D1 WGs
  • Canadian Regular member of A1 (2006 – 14)
  • SC A1 Special Reporter (2016 – present)

Summary of Professional Experience

  • Qualitrol – Iris Power, Insulation Engineer (2015 – present)
  • Ontario Hydro/Kinectrics, various positions; research engineer to department manager (1988 – 2014)
  • Worked on rotating machine testing and condition monitoring
  • Participated in several IEEE & IEC WGs developing standards in rotating machines manufacture, operation & maintenance

SC A3 - Transmission and distribution equipment


Nicola Gariboldi

Summary of Experience within CIGRE

  • Convener JWG A3.43 - Tools for lifecycle management of T&D switchgear based on data from condition monitoring systems
  • Member WG A3.39 - Application and field experience with Metal Oxide Surge Arresters
  • Member JWG A3.32 - Non-intrusive methods for condition assessment of distribution and transmission switchgears
  • Member WG A3.19 - Line fault phenomena and their implications for3-phase short- and long-line fault clearing
  • A3 Special Reporter CIGRE Sessions 2020, 2021, 2022

Summary of Professional Experience

  • From 2016 Qualitrol LLC: Director FS Europe - Technical Application Specialist for Breaker monitoring.
  • 2013-2016 ABB Wettingen (CH): Technology Manager Surge Arrester development
  • 2001-2013 ABB Baden (CH): Project Manager High Voltage Interrupter development
  • 1996-2001 ABB Lodi (IT): responsible of R&D dep. for GIS and Circuit Breaker Testing
  • 1995 Passoni & Villa (IT): respondible of High Voltage Laboratory
  • 1991-1994 ABB Bergamo (IT): Short Circuit Lab eng. MV LV power tests

SC B3 - Substations and electrical installations


Mark McVey

Summary of Experience within CIGRE

  • 2003-2007 Corresponding B3.03 (300)  Guidelines to An Optimal Approach AIS
  • 2007-2020 WG Member and Contributing Author Brochure: 300,439,532,624 and 660
  • Convener Brochure 613 AIS Design for Severe Climate Conditions
  • Convener Brochure 805 Guidelines for Safe Work Methods in Substations
  • Special Reporter B3 2013 Extreme Weather/Seismic Auckland Symposium
  • Special Reporter B3 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022 Paris Symposium
  • B3 AA3 Advisor all Air Insulated Substation brochures and activities 2019 to current (2023)
  • The CIGRE Distinguished Member Award B3 2022 Paris
  • The CIGRE Technical Council Award B3 2018 Paris
  • U.S. National Committee of CIGRE Attwood Associates Award 2018

Summary of Professional Experience

  • BS EE Virginia Tech University 1982
  • 40 years Electric Utility, 38 Years Dominion Energy
  • Principal Engineer, Operations Engineering, Substation Engineering, Operations and Division Operation Supervisor, Field Engineer Control Operations, Associate Engineer

SC B5 - Protection and automation



Volker Leitloff

Summary of Experience within CIGRE

  • Member of B5 SAG and convenor of B5 TM51 since 2007
  • 2004-2012 French Member of CIGRE Study Committee B5
  • Convenor of WG B5.06 (Maintenance Strategies for DSAS) 2008 - 2011
  • Special Reporter (SC B5 colloquium 2009, & 2017)
  • Secretary of WG B5.43, WG B5.53  & WG B5.69 (ongoing)
  • Numerous papers and prepared contributions, mainly in B5 sessions

Summary of Professional Experience

  • PhD Thesis (1991-1994) on neutral grounding of MV networks
  • 1994-99 EDF R&D – Research engineer in the field of protection & control
  • 2000-02 EDF R&D – Research group leader “Transformer and Network Technologies”
  • Since 2003  Rte – Protection and control expert, PACS projects
  • Since 2017: chair of IEC TC38 (Instrument Transformers)
  • Since 2018: Convenor of IEC TC95 WG2 (Digitally interfaced protections)

SC C2 - Power system operation and control



Dr. Renuka Chatterjee

Summary of Experience within CIGRE

  • CIGRE Member since 2017
  • C2.B4 38 JWG Technical Brochure Key contributor and Chapter 2 lead.
  • SC C2 Participant since 2017 and part of SC C2  advisory group
  • Reviewer: Papers/proposals for SC C2 (complete as required and provide feedback)
  • Presenter: 2018 Large Disturbances Workshop, Topic = USA: Hurricanes Harvey and Irma
  • 2020 CIGRE Special Reporter for PS2
  • 2020 CIGRE Technical Council Award

Summary of Professional Experience

  • 23 years of experience in various leadership roles in System Operations, Market Operations and Planning with MISO (Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc.), a large Regional Transmission Organization in the USA
  • Current Position: Vice President, Operations

SC C5 - Electricity markets and regulation


Yannick Phulpin

Summary of Experience within CIGRE

  • SC C5 Secretary since 2018
  • Member of the SC C5 Strategic Advisory Group since 2019
  • Co-author of the Greenbook “Electricity Supply Systems of the Future” – 2020

Summary of Professional Experience

  • 2021 - : EDF (FR) Head of power systems studies
  • 2015-2021 : EDF (FR) Expert in European electricity markets & regulation
  • 2011-2015 :  EDF (FR) R&D Expert in power system operation and markets
  • 2011 : INESCTEC (PT) Senior Expert in power system operation 
  • 2004-2010 : CentraleSupélec (FR) Assistant Professor in power systems
  • 2005-2008 : Georgia Tech (USA) PhD in power system operation

SC Chairs 2024 Composition

A1 Howard SEDDING (CA) – Utility and Consultant
A2 Pascal MUELLER (CH) - Utility
A3 Nicola GARIBOLDI (IT) - Manufacturer
B1 Geir Clasen (NO) - Manufacturer
B2 Pierre Van Dyke (CA) – Research Institute
B3 Mark McVey (US) -  Utility
B4 Johanne HU (CA) - Consultant
C1 Antonio ILICETO (IT) – Utility and TSO
Maria MERCEDES Vasquez (ES) - Utility
C4 Marta Val Escudero (IE) - TSO
C5 Yannick PHULPIN (FR) - Utility
C6 Kurt Dedekind (ZA) - Utility
D1 Simon Suttton (UK) - Manufacturer
D2 Victor Tan (AU) - Consultant

Thumbnail credit: Hilch on iStock


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