Technical brochure
TB 932 WG C6.43

Aggregation of Battery Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources

Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are increasingly installed in distribution grids in conjunction with other distributed energy resources (DER). These resources are photovoltaic (PV) systems and other distributed generation, including generation from renewable energy resources (RES), such as wind and small hydro. One of the roles of BESS, in support of the wide deployment of renewable energy resources, is to meet the requirement for energy balancing to mitigate resource variability and intermittency and make the combination of BESS and renewable DER dispatchable. This balancing feature is applicable to smaller, roof-top PV installations (behind the meter) connected to the low voltage (LV) grid and to larger PV or wind farms connected to medium voltage (MV) distribution feeders. In the latter case, the combined installation feeds energy directly into the distribution system.

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Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources

This Technical Brochure has been created by a Working Group from the CIGRE Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources Study Committee which is one of CIGRE's 16 domains of work.
SC C6 facilitates and promotes the progress of engineering and the international exchange of information and knowledge in the field of distribution systems and distributed energy resources DER. The experts contribute to the international exchange of information and knowledge by means of synthesizing state of the art practices and developing recommendations.

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