

By Michel Augonnet

President of CIGRE

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

Welcome to the June edition of ELECTRA.

As we move into the hotter months in the Northern Hemisphere and the colder months in the South, we face – as we do every year – a growing awareness that the planet and meteorological changes continue to be some of the biggest challenges faced by the electricity industry. Hurricanes in North American before the usual season. Fires already spreading across Canada. Flooding in Europe and Asia. Maintaining power flow is vital to all regions and even more so when climate is complicated.

Of note in this edition is a formula for a new HV operational system resilience index developed by members of SC C1. Their work shows that it is possible to identify areas where improvements can be made to enhance reliability and reduce the risk of power outages – often caused by large natural phenomenon - thus the implementation of measures to increase the resilience of electrical grids will be essential in ensuring the security of energy supply. 

TECHNOLOGY E2E: Evaluation of grid operational resilience stressed by energy transition and by climate change: new metrics (SIRI) and countermeasures by Chiara Vergine, Enrico M. Carlini, Gabriele Biasiotti, Simone Talomo, Luigi Calcara, Massimo Pompili and Antonio Iliceto.

GLOBAL CONNECTIONS: Nicolas Chamollet, Convenor of CIGRE Working Group C1.50 - Global sustainable energy system coupling electricity and hydrogen describes a road map for implementing ‘ONE SUN ONE WORLD ONE GRID’: an intercontinental power grid from Europe to South-East Asia with India as the fulcrum of a global power pool embryo. The article compares different scenarios of cooperation, some leading to significantly increased use of RES and generation cost reduction.

There is also a GLOBAL LEADERSHIP PERSPECTIVES piece on how to estimate the ideals alignment amongst staff when changes are made within a company.

LIFE OF ASSOCIATION: CIGRE International Symposium Trondheim 2025 - Call for papers, and important dates for registration.

The Steering Committee held in May in Shenzhen was an occasion to witness the impressive initiatives and  progress made in the development of RES and digital technologies for the Energy Transition in China.It was also a time to focus on membership renewal and timely membership fee settlement via the National Committees.

The registrations for the Paris Session are progressing very well with an all-time record of registrations in one month (more than a 1000), a full house of exhibitors, and 1,200 papers presented at the Session.

Some of you may also wish to take the opportunity to attend events at the 2024 Paralympic games which will be slightly overlapping with the CIGRE session. For those who are interested, the calendar of events is easily available here.

Hoping to greet you at the Palais des Congrès in August!

Best regards,
Michel Augonnet

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