CIGRE South East European Regional Council - RSEEC 2024
The CIGRE’s Romanian National Committee as organizer, CNTEE Transelectrica S.A. (the Romanian TSO), Delgaz Grid S.A. (Romanian DSO), RETELE ELECTRICE (Romanian DSO) and Politehnica University of Timisoara as co-organizers, put together the Regional South – East European Conference 2024 – RSEEC 2024 – a Next Generation Network Conference (7th edition) in Timisoara, between 8th – 10th October 2024, at Central Library of the Politehnica University of Timisoara – event organized with the support of CIGRE Paris.
Timisoara - Romania
8-10 October 2024
We had the privilege to have the presence at our conference of Mr. Philippe ADAM - the General Secretary of CIGRE (the largest professional association in the field of electricity). This was a recognition of the performance of the Romanian National Committee of CIGRE and the fact that RSEEC has become, in the 6 editions so far, a reference regional event for researchers and practitioners in the field of power systems.
The RSEEC Conference is a biennial event dedicated to the young professionals. As part of its 7th edition, the 4th edition of the Next Generation Scientific Contest, a scientific competition for young engineers, was also held, in which the participants were awarded prizes.
The main topics addressed during the Regional South – East European Conference 2024 were as follows:
- state of the technology for electrical networks of the future;
- digital substations;
- power System, electricity highways;
- interconnected power systems;
- power electronics, FACTS;
- new equipment, environment, sustainability;
- active transmission and distribution networks;
- new concepts in planning and operation;
- hydrogen impact on grid planning;
- electricity-key factor for society development;
- smart cities;
- cyber security, electrical transport, RES technologies;
- energy storage, Energy efficiency;
- challenges in education of power system workforce: Education and training, R&D programs;
- green transition and clean technologies for power systems.
The event was considered a success due to the technical contributions of the authors, exhibitors, and all participants, recording the following participation figures for activities over the three days of the conference:
- 170 physical attendees from industry and academia, from 9 countries;
- 10 partners from grid operators and best in class energy companies;
- 13 exhibitors with technical solutions for the energy sector;
- 4 technical tutorials held by top international experts;
- 30 scientific papers presented;
- 5 media partners;
- 7 scientific papers presented in The Next Generation Network Scientific Contest;
- at least 40 participants during the technical visit (110/20 Musicescu electric station);
- 20000 acounts reached on social media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram.
During the conference, there were five paper sessions that addressed current topics in the context of today's energy context, reflecting the challenges in the field: interdependence between power systems and the environment, innovations and advanced technologies in power systems, data monitoring and management in power system, protection systems in energy infrastructures, current challenges within power systems.
Some of the significant activities carried out during the conference were:
- Opening panel
- Tutorials
- Scientific papers
- Cigre Romania NGN Career Talks
- The Next Generation Scientific Contest
- Interviews with the conference exhibitors
- Substation Technical Visit
- LiDAR Scanning Demonstration with Drones
The Organising Committee was delighted with overall success of the event and are thankful to CIGRE Central Office, the Technical Committee and all of our delegates, volunteers and partners.
We are looking forward to the 8th edition of RSEEC in 2026.