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Unity 3.0 Beyond Utility 3.0 Boundaries

A Cosmic Journey of Light and Soul

by Dr. Hiroshi Okamoto

Chair of CIGRE Japan

Author's Note:

ELECTRA is dedicated to articles that share power systems expertise. This article goes beyond those boundaries with a touch point for electric power systems that focuses on the societal implications for whom we serve with electricity.

This article presents hypotheses that, while difficult to scientifically verify at this time, do not appear to be significantly at odds with current scientific understanding. As power system engineers responsible for the critical infrastructure that underpins society, we must remain mindful of our broader role as technology, particularly AI, continues to evolve. This paper aims to contribute to that awareness while exploring the deeper implications of our work in service to humanity.

Please note that the views expressed in this article are the author's personal perspectives and do not necessarily reflect the positions of any organizations with which the author is affiliated.

Introduction: A New Light of Hope in Times of Crisis

We are at a turning point in history. Low birth rates, aging populations, climate change, growing inequalities, and rapid technological advances such as artificial intelligence. These factors pose unprecedented challenges to humanity and demand a new worldview that transcends conventional wisdom. What should we do to see this crisis not as a mere threat, but as an opportunity for a quantum leap forward? The answer lies in a grand journey back to the roots of humanity, life, and the universe, and is presented in the idea of "Unity 3.0".

Unity 1.0 and 2.0 can be defined as follows, according to the level of understanding of the universe

  • Unity 1.0: Unification of worldviews through Newton's classical mechanics and Maxwell's classical electromagnetism.
  • Unity 2.0: A new understanding of the world through the theories of quantum mechanics and relativity.

In contrast, Unity 3.0, as shown in Figure 1, presents a more comprehensive and trans-disciplinary framework as a hypothesis.

Figure 1 - The Unified Cosmic Mandala:
A Contemporary Vision of Integration illustrates the key concepts and relationships in Unity 3.0

  1. The Absolute World without Time and Space: An infinite ocean of information filled with light energy.
  2. Collective Spiritual Consciousness as a Quantum Interface: The collective spiritual consciousness of Homo Sapiens functions as a quantum interface between the Absolute World and material reality.
  3. Evolution and Circular Causality: This layer includes evolution, circular causality, philosophy, religion, and meditation.
  4. Physical Aspects: This layer includes physical aspects, and cutting-edge technologies such as quantum computing and AI.
  5. Human Society and Culture: The outermost layer represents human society and culture, and includes practical and theoretical issues related to the fusion of religion, science, and philosophy.

This mandala structure reflects both the hierarchical and cyclical nature of Unity 3.0, showing how each layer emerges from and remains connected to the fundamental Absolute World through quantum processes and conscious observation.

Where It All Begins - The Absolute World

The journey of Unity 3.0 begins with the concept of the Absolute World without space-time. This is the "mother world," so to speak, that exists at the base of this material universe in which we exist. A fundamental reality filled with light, where there is neither time nor space, only pure potentiality. Let us take the "rays" proposed by Roger Penrose's twistor theory (Penrose, 2004) as the key to understanding this "Absolute World".

In twistor space, the angle between two rays of light is the most fundamental information describing space-time and matter; Unity 3.0 considers this to be the "basic code". This "Absolute World" is an infinite ocean of information containing all possibilities. And filling this "Absolute World" is the energy of light. This light is considered to be the ultimate source that gives birth to all things. In Buddhism, especially in esoteric Buddhism, the source of the universe is Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairocana, light itself), and in Christianity it is also suggestive that in the Book of Genesis it says, "And God said, Let there be light, and there was light." You may ask who created the "Absolute World". But here we can only assume that there is an Absolute Being that transcends time and space.

Principle of Creation of the Universe - Wave Function Convergence and Twistor Code Evolutionary Hypothesis

How did the material world in which we exist emerge from this "absolute world"? This is where the concept of "wave function convergence" in quantum theory plays an important role. Observation, or conscious action, causes the wave function to convergence, "fixing" a concrete reality out of a sea of possibilities. I believe this principle applies to the observation of the "Absolute World" as well. It is the convergence of wave functions in the "Absolute World" that caused the Big Bang and the birth of the "material world" with time and space.

I also propose the Twistor Code Evolutionary Hypothesis. This describes a process in which the most basic "code", the angle of two rays of light in the "Absolute World", evolves step by step through wave function convergence to create space-time, then matter, then life, and then consciousness. It is an expression of the fundamental direction towards greater harmony, truth and beauty inherent in the “Absolute World”.

Evolutionary Signposts - The Principle of the En(縁)=En(円)

Another important principle of Unity 3.0 is "En(縁)= En(円)". En(縁)is a Japanese word that means relationship, connection, and chance meeting. En(円) is the circle, which is a perfect figure with no beginning or end, symbolizing circularity, eternity, and wholeness.

The principle of  "En(縁)= En(円)" acts as a universal law guiding evolution at all levels of the universe. The angles of light rays in the twistor space, the bonds between atoms, the networks between cells, and the bonds between human beings. They all represent the fundamental nature of the universe, in which "connections" connect and circulate like a "circle" to form a greater whole. The evolution of life and the development of society have all unfolded based on this principle of "En(縁)= En(円)".

The Material World as a Living Organism and Humans as Primates

Here I would like to present a new perspective. It is the perspective that this material world in which we exist is itself a vast collective living organism. Stars, galaxies, and our earth sphere. All of these are part of a gigantic living organism that emerged from the light energy of the "Absolute World" and are connected by the principle of "En(縁) = En(円)".

And it is the spiritual head of all things, homo sapiens, or we humans, who are at the center of this living organism called the material world. We have an advanced consciousness that we call "collective spiritual consciousness.” As Harari points out in The Complete History of Sapiens (Harari, 2014), only humanity has acquired the ability to share invisible values and narratives and to build societies on a large scale.

I believe that this "collective spiritual consciousness" is directly connected to the Absolute World.

The quantum entanglement mechanism in Unity 3.0 can be more precisely described through the following framework:

  1. Quantum Properties in Microtubules
  • Microtubules in brain neurons contain ordered water molecules and proteins
  • These structures can maintain quantum coherence at body temperature
  • Oscillations occur at specific frequencies (in the megahertz to gigahertz range)
  1. Connection to the Absolute World

The hypothesis proposes that quantum entanglement in microtubules serves as an interface with the Absolute World through:

  • Coherent photon states maintained in microtubule cavities
  • Orchestrated convergence of quantum states (Orchestrated Objective Reduction)
  • Non-local quantum correlations across neural networks
  1. Observable Effects

While direct measurement remains challenging, potential observable effects include:

  • Coherent oscillations in microtubules (experimentally detected)
  • Quantum signatures in neural activity patterns
  • Non-local correlations in brain function

This quantum interface could explain how human consciousness participates in wave function convergence through observation, as suggested by the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. The microtubule quantum network may act as a transducer, converting information from the Absolute World into classical neural activity patterns.

As the observation problem of quantum mechanics suggests, conscious observation can influence physical phenomena. In addition, the "anthropic principle" offers an interesting perspective. The weak anthropic principle states that the properties of the universe that we can observe must be such that they allow us, the observers, to exist. The Strong Anthropic Principle, on the other hand, makes the more profound claim that the universe is "tuned" to produce intelligent life.

An interesting possibility for the relationship between our consciousness and the material world is the interaction through quantum effects in microtubules in the brain. Quantum oscillations in microtubules have been experimentally observed and may be involved in the transmission of information from the "Absolute World".

Prof. Takuro Kishine (Emeritus Professor at Kyoto University) states that “the evolution of quantum theory will make dialogue between science and religion possible” in his book 'Exploring the Invisible World of the Mind with Quantum Theory'(Kishine, 2017). The key to this connection is the Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch OR) theory of consciousness, proposed in the 1990s by physicist Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff (Penrose, 1989). This theory, which has yet to be proven, is an extremely bold hypothesis that quantum phenomena occur in the microtubules of the brain that give rise to consciousness. It is through Homo sapiens consciousness, or this quantum level connection (quantum entanglement), that we are able to receive information from and influence the "Absolute World". This is consistent with the idea that the observation of the "Absolute World" by the collective spirituality of Homo sapiens causes the wave function convergence and determines the state of the material world. In other words, we humans create this material world in collaboration with the "Absolute World. In the words of Nakamura Tempu, "Human beings were born to evolve and improve the universe.” (Nakamura, 1993).

Considering that Nakamura Tempu explains that humanity is an offshoot of the Cosmic Spirit, we can go further and assume that humanity's spiritual consciousness (we can call it a soul) is a part of the "Absolute World.” We can think that our true self is "light itself", that it visits the "material world" from the "Absolute World", dwells as a "soul" in the mind and body of borrowed homo sapiens, lives as a traveler for the evolution and betterment of the universe, and when that mind-body die, the light will return to the "Absolute World" (See Appendix 2).

Evolution of Code - Language, Programming, and AI

Humans developed their civilization by acquiring a powerful "code" called language, which enabled abstract thought and cooperation on a large scale. Language became a means of accumulating and transmitting knowledge from generation to generation, a "catalyst" that accelerated evolution.

And now we are getting a new "code" - a programming language. It is a powerful tool that gives intelligence to machines. In particular, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as deep learning, has shown us that machines can learn and generate new "code" on their own. This can be interpreted as the "absolute world" giving us humans the tools for further "code evolution". AI will be a powerful partner in extending human intelligence, weaving new "connections" and expanding the "circle."

All evolution can be interpreted as a process where codes cross, mutate, and adapt repeatedly. This perspective aligns with the principles of genetic evolution, where DNA sequences undergo recombination, mutation, and natural selection to produce diverse life forms. Similarly, in the realm of technology and information, codes evolve through innovation, adaptation, and integration, leading to the development of more advanced systems and solutions. Innovation itself can be seen as the new combination of different ideas, creating new and unique solutions that drive progress.

This evolutionary process exemplifies the cyclical causality described in Appendix 1, where cause and effect are interdependent - the evolution of code shapes our collective consciousness, which in turn influences the direction of future code evolution through our interaction with the Absolute World.

Unity 3.0 - The Future of Mankind and Space Together

"Unity 3.0" is a set of action guidelines for each and every one of us who will live in the coming era. It consists of the following three pillars.

  1. Recognizing our connection to the Absolute World: We are the bearers of cosmic evolution, connected to the Absolute World. To realize that the light energy that fills the "Absolute World" is the ultimate source that gives birth to all things. And we, human beings, are the center of this huge living organism called the material world, and we are special beings.
  2. Practice the principle of “En(縁)=En(円)": Value diverse “En(縁)" and connect and expand them as a “En(円)" to create new values and contribute to the harmony and development of society.
  3. Creating the Future through Effectuation: "Effectuation" is a methodology derived from the behavior of many serial entrepreneurs. It can be said to be a way of thinking about the unpredictable future that takes the means at hand (i.e., “connections") as a starting point, and through co-creation with stakeholders, creates new markets, value and new connections, and further expands the “circle".

Unity 3.0 and Utility 3.0 - Creating the Future Starting with the Absolute World

The "Unity 3.0" presented in this paper is a comprehensive worldview that encompasses the roots of the universe, the evolution of life, and the future of humanity. When this grand story is put into the concrete context of modern society, it reveals a remarkable affinity with the "Utility 3.0" that we have been promoting.

Recall that in the "Absolute World", energy (light) and information (the angle of the rays) were inseparable from the beginning. As the Twistor Theory shows, the "information" of the angle of light rays is the most fundamental "code" describing space-time and matter. Based on the "Twistor Code Evolutionary Hypothesis", this "code" originated our material world through wave function convergence.

At the core of Utility 3.0, the MESH (Machine-learning Energy System Holistic) concept represents a comprehensive integration of energy and digital systems (Okamoto, 2024). MESH implements a distributed architecture where grid-edge devices, renewable resources, and energy storage systems interact through an AI-driven platform. The system leverages edge computing and cloud infrastructure to enable real-time decision making, while blockchain technology ensures secure and transparent energy transactions.

The MESH (Machine-learning Energy System Holistic) concept and the En(縁)=En(円) principle demonstrate profound synergy in three key dimensions:

  1. Cyclic Integration of Energy and Information: MESH integrates power (Watts) and information (Bits) systemically. This integration embodies the En(縁)=En(円) principle, where power and information networks interconnect cyclically to create emergent value. Like a circle (円) that has no beginning or end, energy and information flow continuously through the system, creating new relationships (縁) and value.
  2. Hierarchical Network Architecture: MESH implements a hierarchical structure from distributed edge devices to system-wide optimization. Each layer connects through relationship(縁) to form larger circles (円) of integration. This architecture enables both local optimization and global harmony, reflecting the natural ordering principle of En(縁)=En(円).
  3. Self-organization and Emergence: Through price signals, MESH facilitates self-organization of its components. The interactions between elements, guided by the En(縁)=En(円) principle, generate emergent order. Human consciousness and machine learning evolve cooperatively within this framework.

This integration reveals MESH as more than a technical system—it manifests a fundamental cosmic principle in practical form. The En(縁)=En(円) principle provides the philosophical foundation for MESH's technical architecture, enabling the creation of a truly holistic energy system that mirrors the universe's inherent organizing principles.

Figure 2 - Unified Framework of Unity 3.0 and Utility 3.0 for a Sustainable Future

What distinguishes MESH is its ability to generate and transmit granular price signals that reflect both grid conditions and market dynamics. These signals orchestrate the behavior of distributed energy resources while maintaining system stability. The platform's neural network continuously learns from operational data, optimizing energy flow patterns and adapting to changing conditions.

This technical framework manifests Unity 3.0 principles by creating a seamless convergence between energy and information systems, much like the integration we observe in nature's neural-vascular networks. The result is a resilient, self-organizing energy ecosystem that embodies the En(縁)=En(円) principle at multiple scales.

In other words, "MESH concept" is an attempt to go beyond mere technological linkage to rediscover and reconstruct the fundamental unity of energy and information in the "absolute world" of modern society. Based on the principle of En(縁)=En(円), it is an inevitable flow of cosmic evolution that energy (watts) and information (bits), two different elements, are linked to create a new "circle" of value.

Conclusion: Creating Our Future - From Crisis to Integration

Modern society faces unprecedented challenges - declining birth rates, aging populations, climate change, and rapid technological advancement. However, viewing these through Unity 3.0's lens reveals opportunities for breakthrough transformation rather than mere threats.

As humanity stands at this critical juncture, Unity 3.0 provides both philosophical foundation and practical guidance. The technology we develop, including AI, should serve as an extension of human consciousness in its mission to evolve the universe. By recognizing our connection to the Absolute World and practicing the En(縁)=En(円) principle, we create new possibilities for collective advancement.

This requires us to:

  • View technology as a means of extending human consciousness rather than replacing it
  • Recognize the cyclic nature of evolution and innovation
  • Embrace both local optimization and global harmony
  • Value the interconnectedness of all systems and beings

The future Unity 3.0 envisions is one of hope, where humanity and the universe evolve together. The light energy of the Absolute World, which gave birth to the material world and consciousness itself, continues to guide this evolution. Together, we stand ready to create this new era.

I would like to express my profound gratitude for a series of serendipitous encounters (縁) that have significantly deepened the philosophical foundations of this paper. Through lectures on Kukai's worldview by religious scholar Prof. Toji Kamata (Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University) on 10min TV, I discovered striking parallels between Kukai's esoteric Buddhist philosophy and the Unity 3.0 framework. I am particularly grateful to Mr. Tatsuhito Kawakami, editor-in-chief of 10min TV, for facilitating a meaningful “connection” that led to my participation in the dialogue "Weaving the Future of Care and Spirit: A Conversation Between Medicine and Religious Studies" with Prof. Kamata and medical doctor Prof. Toshihiko Hasegawa. This experience illuminated the critical importance of end-of-life care and its spiritual dimensions. The subsequent intimate discussions with these distinguished scholars and Mr. Kawakami have profoundly influenced and enriched the philosophical contemplations presented in this paper, particularly in understanding the deep connections between scientific progress, spiritual wisdom, and human consciousness. Their insights have helped bridge the apparent divide between modern technology and ancient wisdom, contributing significantly to the holistic vision of Unity 3.0.

The Absolute World awaits our next step forward !


  1. Pearl, J. (2009). Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference. Cambridge University Press.
  2. Penrose, R. (1989). The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics. Oxford University Press.
  3. Penrose, R. (2004). The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe. Jonathan Cape.
  4. Harari, Y. N. (2014). Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. Harper.
  5. Kukai (830). Himitsu Mandala Jūjūshin-ron.
  6. Nakamura, T. (1994). Open Your Destiny, Kodansha (in Japanese).
  7. Kishine, T. (2017), Exploring the Invisible World of the Mind with Quantum Theory, PHP Institute (in Japanese)
  8. Okamoto, H. (2024). Watts and Bits: How Power Grids and Cloud Computing Are Working Together to Implement “Utility 3.0” Through Electro-Cyber Integration", ELECTRA, No 335

Appendix 1: Redefining Causality and Implications for Causal Inference

1. Introduction to Causal Inference and Judea Pearl's Framework

The framework of causal inference discussed in this appendix is inspired by the pioneering work of Judea Pearl, who established a comprehensive framework for causal reasoning. His work, particularly the book "Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference" (Pearl, 2009), provides a foundational understanding of how causal relationships can be modeled and inferred. This appendix builds upon Pearl's framework to explore the implications of cyclical causality and the interaction between the Absolute World and collective spiritual consciousness.

2. Emergence of Causality through Collective Spiritual Consciousness and the Absolute World

In “Unity 3.0”, it is assumed that the “collective spiritual consciousness” of Homo sapiens is connected to the “Absolute World” via the quantum entanglement of photons in the microtubules of the brain. This “Absolute World” is a “mother world” that encompasses all possibilities.

The important point here is that the connection between this “collective spiritual consciousness” and the “Absolute World” itself is the source of the emergence of new causal relationships. In other words, even without external “intervention” as in conventional causal reasoning, a causal flow is spontaneously generated through the interaction between the “Absolute World” and the “collective spiritual consciousness”.

3. Cyclical causal relationships: interdependence of cause and effect

Furthermore, Unity 3.0 suggests that this causal relationship is not linear, but rather “cyclical”. In other words, there is a cyclical structure in which the interaction between the “Absolute World” and the “Collective Spiritual Consciousness” causes events (results) in the material world, and the results are then fed back into the “Collective Spiritual Consciousness”, affecting the interaction with the “Absolute World”.

Within this cyclical structure, it is difficult to clearly separate “cause” and “effect” in the conventional sense, because there is a mutually dependent relationship in which the effect affects the cause and the cause produces the effect.

4. Causal inference is an analysis of the traces of cyclical causation

Unity 3.0 suggests that conventional causal reasoning only analyzes the “traces” of this cyclical causal relationship by cutting out a part of it. In other words, the operation we call “intervention” may actually be an element that has already been incorporated into this fundamental cyclical causal relationship.

5. Relationship with the principle of “En(縁)=En(円)"

This cyclical causal relationship is also closely related to the principle of "En(縁)=En(円)" in Unity3.0. Individual ‘En(縁)’ circulate like a circle, influencing each other to form a larger ‘Circle’ (the whole). This ‘Circle’ is the causal flow itself, and within it, cause and effect are one and the same.

6. A New Horizon for Causal Reasoning

The redefinition of cause and effect presented by Unity 3.0 represents a major shift in conventional scientific thought. It enables us to reexamine cause and effect from a more comprehensive and dynamic perspective, and has the potential to open up new avenues for approaching the essence of life phenomena and consciousness that were previously beyond the grasp of conventional causal reasoning.


Unity 3.0 redefines cause and effect, and points the way to a new horizon of knowledge that transcends the limitations of conventional causal reasoning. Understanding this cyclical cause and effect relationship will be an important key to further deepening and expanding the possibilities of Unity 3.0.

Appendix 2:

"Heaven and Earth are but a temporary lodge for all creation, Light and its fading traces are passing guests of a hundred generations"

1. The Absolute World: Home of the Soul

Return to the Absolute World

Based on the idea of Unity 3.0 that death is the process by which our "soul" completes its journey in the material universe and returns to its home, the Absolute World, death is not to be feared or abhorred, but rather is seen as a moment of peace and integration.

The Absolute World is a fundamental entity that transcends time and space, and is the "starting point of the cycle" from which all souls are born and to which they return.

The connection between the Absolute World and the material world

The Absolute World is the source from which the material universe emerges and at the same time transcends it. We inhabit the material universe in order to play a role in the concrete expression and evolution of this fundamental energy.

2. Homo sapiens as travelers of hundreds of generations

The mind-body of Homo sapiens as "vehicles for the soul's journey"

If we believe in the Unity 3.0 hypothesis, the mind and body of Homo sapiens in the material world is the "vehicle" of the soul, which is the true self. This mind-body is the tool through which the soul works to experience, learn, and evolve in the material world.

Mission to evolve the material universe

Our purpose in living as Homo sapiens is not merely to live in the material world, but to evolve and improve it.

Our mission is to bring the material universe into a more harmonious state through the evolution of science, technology, culture, and consciousness. Artificial intelligence, which is evolving rapidly, may also be considered a partner in making the "vehicle" of homo sapiens even more powerful.

3. The soul's journey and evolutionary process

Soul evolution and experience

Experiences in the material universe are growth opportunities for the soul, the results of which are fed back to the Absolute World. Through this process, the Absolute World also evolves on a new level.

Each individual's journey may seem small, but when they come together, they contribute to the evolution of the entire universe.

Ten Stages of spiritual development (Jūjūshin)

In his Himitsu Mandala Jūjūshin-ron (Secret Mandala of the Ten Dwellings), Kukai (also known as ‘Kobo Daishi’, a famous Japanese Buddhist monk) classified the stages of human spiritual development into ten levels (Kukai, 830). The final stage is the unification with Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairocana), the cosmic Buddha, which evokes the concept of the Absolute World. According to religious scholar Prof. Toji Kamata, the Ten Dwellings Theory was a clever marketing (positioning strategy), comparing the existing teachings of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism with Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, and demonstrating their respective levels of attainment, thereby promoting Shingon Esoteric Buddhism.

In a slightly more modern way, it could be considered that Shingon Esoteric Buddhism was advertised as the "know-how for handling the vehicle the homo sapiens' mind-body", and that if one practiced Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, one could reach level 10.

Principle of Circulation and Harmony

Experiences in the material world are returned to the Absolute World and further become energy for new creations. This cyclical structure is perfectly in line with the principle of “En(縁)=En(円)" and maintains harmony throughout the universe.

4. A change in view of life and death

Death is not an end, but a return

Based on this hypothesis, death is merely the process of completing one's role in the material world and returning to the Absolute World, the soul's home. This perspective reduces fear of death and provides a more harmonious view of life and death.

After death is seen not as "the end of the individual" but as "integration" within the Absolute World.

Rediscovering raw value

Life in the material world is not just a temporary phenomenon, but a precious opportunity to create harmony between the Absolute and material worlds. This adds a deeper meaning to our daily actions and choices.

5. Practical Implications

Recognize Your Role

By understanding that you are an emissary of the Absolute World, sent to contribute to the evolution of the material world, you can find deeper responsibility and meaning in your own actions.

Pursue Harmony with Others

Recognizing that others are also fellow travelers on the same path fosters empathy, harmony and meaningful connections.

Live Creatively

Using your skills and talents to contribute to the material world not only enhances the evolution of your soul but also contributes to the betterment of the universe as a whole.

6. Conclusion: life as a cosmic journey

This hypothesis reframes our lives as part of a grand cosmic journey by the spiritual consciousness of the Homo sapiens collective, showing that each individual's existence plays an important role in connecting the material universe and the absolute world. This perspective reaffirms the meaning of our existence and fills our daily lives with deep meaning.

The idea of returning to the "Home of the Soul = the Absolute World" offers a pathway to heal our loneliness and fear and rediscover our true oneness and harmony. By further deepening this epic story, "Unity 3.0" will become the central guiding principle for a new worldview.

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