Life of the association

CIGRE, the best training Academy

CIGRE is more than just a knowledge-sharing organization; it is a global academy for power system expertise. Through its extensive range of publications, conferences, webinars, and Working Groups, CIGRE provides invaluable opportunities for engineers to develop skills, expand their networks, and gain deep technical insights. From the prestigious Paris Session to its Technical Brochures and online resources, CIGRE fosters a unique environment for training and professional growth. This article explores how CIGRE serves as a premier workforce training institution in the power sector.

By Rob Stephen

Editor-in-Chief of the CIGRE Science & Engineering Journal and former CIGRE President (2016 - 2020)

Benchmarking power system expertise globally

A few CIGRE members may not realise or appreciate CIGRE as an “academy”. Academy is defined as “a place of study or training in a special field” or “a society or institution of distinguished scholars and artists or scientists that aim to promote maintain standards in its particular field”. CIGRE fills both definitions to some extent in execution of its knowledge program. This article expands on the vast ability CIGRE has as a workforce training organisation for power system expertise.

CIGRE produces material for dissemination via a number of channels. These are listed below:

  1. Paris Session – The Paris Session is the most prestigious and main technical CIGRE event. It is an event where global issues are addressed affecting experts across the globe as well as CEOs, Policy-Makers and Regulators. It comprises 16 forums for open and unbiased debates. Papers are reviewed by Study Committee (SC) international experts. The papers are not presented. Questions, posed by Special reporters (peer elected experts), are answered by delegates. The answers are reviewed by the Special reporters and SC chairman prior to the SC session. In addition to these 16 open sessions, there are tutorials, poster sessions, panels, information booths and technical exhibitions. It realizes over 11000 visitors and continues to grow in stature as the main global event for power system expertise.
  2. Symposia – These normally involve more than one Study Committee. All papers are reviewed by 2-3 SC experts. This gives more credence to the selection and quality of the papers presented. Tutorials may be presented as is the case with colloquia (below)
  3. Colloquia – these are similar to Symposia but are hosted by the Study Committee (SC) concerned. They may form part of a conference organized by the local National Committee. Attendees are local engineers as well as Study Committee members, Working Group (WG) chair and other experts. Tutorials may be presented by experts. In the case of Colloquia, the experts that present may be the Working Group chair or other international experts.
  4. Conferences – these are normally organized by the local National Committee (NC). Papers are reviewed by local experts although authors can be international. Occasionally tutorials are linked to the conference which cover details of CIGRE brochures. These are presented by experts in the field.
  5. Study Committee publications (brochures) – The above conference facilities offered by CIGRE is really the “tip of the iceberg” when it comes to the main work of CIGRE. CIGRE produces Technical Brochures (technical unbiased mini reference books often comprising in excess of 150 pages) dealing with issues selected by the SC members that are pertinent to many countries. Working Groups, consisting of experts from around the world, deliberate and determine the best solutions, guidelines or practices relating to a particular issue. Often further research is undertaken to determine solutions. The result is a peer reviewed detailed unbiased technical document that can be used for formation of standards, guidelines, practices and specifications by utilities, manufacturers and academia. At present there are around 260 Working Groups with 3000 experts working on the issues.
  6. Green Books – in recent years CIGRE has produced a number of “Green Books”. These books use material that exists in CIGRE brochures, papers, and expert knowledge. They are excellent compilations of CIGRE knowledge on a specific topic (such as overhead lines). They can be used as reference books, training, and formation of guidelines, standards and specifications.
  7. CIGRE Science and Engineering – This online magazine consists of best papers selected from conferences or selected authors. All are reviewed by international experts and are of the highest standard.
  8. ELECTRA – this is the historical voice of CIGRE and contains summaries of brochures, reports from Study Committees covering future trends and strategies, as well as technical papers dealing with relevant issues. All articles are peer reviewed and are of highest technical standard. It is important to note that the plan is for Electra to evolve to a digital platform which will allow access at various levels to different details of information from a variety of devices.
  9. NewslettersPowerTalk, Future Connections and Leadership Circle, these are produced every few months covering formation of new Working Groups, events and other relevant CIGRE news.
  10. Webinars – are given by international experts, normally the Working Group convenor or other globally recognized expert. They cover contents of brochures that have been produced and as such form an online tutorial for engineers to attend no matter where they happen to reside.
  11. Courses – Although CIGRE does not develop courses as such, the CIGRE material can be used for formation of courses. An example is the recent course on substation design presented and compiled as a joint effort by CIGRE and World Bank.

21st Century workforce training

Based on the above information, there are many opportunities for engineers and professionals involved with the electrical industry to obtain information. The following highlights where CIGRE is unique in developing expertise.

Conferences (points 1-4 above)

With reference to conferences the engineer can obtain information key to their development from attending the conference and tutorial. Where CIGRE is unique is that the conferences (this term includes all types covered in points 1-4 above) will have international experts attending. These are either Working Group members or SC members. The engineer has an opportunity to discuss issues facing them with these experts on an informal basis during the conference. In addition contacts can be made which develop a network that can be invaluable in the development of the engineer.

Study Committee publications (Brochures)

Brochures (technical documents or mini-reference books often exceeding 150 pages) are developed by Working Groups consisting of global experts from all continents. CIGRE also allows for young engineers to take part as a WG member even if they are not yet an expert in the topic. The Working Group members discuss and argue points relating to the topic in depth. By following and partaking in this discussion the engineer is exposed to in depth knowledge of the topic that cannot be gleaned from papers or presentations. One position where a young engineer can learn rapidly is that of a secretary. In compiling the minutes of the meetings, the young engineer must understand the discussion in depth and must be able to accurately reflect the positions given by the international experts who are members of the Working Group. As the WG member progresses in expertise they may undertake to write a section or chapter of the brochure. This involves in depth knowledge and research in the particular topic. The chapter is reviewed and commented on by fellow experts thereby providing excellent feedback and increasing the knowledge of the WG member. It also assist in development of multicultural skills, group work and negotiation.

CIGRE reviewed papers

CIGRE papers are often based on experience as well as research. As such they are very valuable sources of information for engineers to understand the application of theory or practices. CIGRE papers such as CSE and ELECTRA are often free download which makes access possible for all engineers.


The advent of webinars has opened the door to all engineers to attend a tutorial remotely. The tutorial is delivered by a recognised international expert. The attendee can also ask questions during the webinar. Webinars are recorded and are available for download and further training. Brochures, on which the tutorial is based, is free download to members. The engineer can get valuable information on the topic as well as answers to their questions whilst sitting at their desk. They also have the contact details of the presenter for further correspondence.


All the above interaction with experts which CIGRE promotes and encourages, allow the engineer to form a network of experts relevant to their particular area. The experts, especially fellow working group members, are normally open to questions or suggestions and interaction allows for joint development. These networks are invaluable in solving issues in a short time.

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The above indicates the wide range of avenues and opportunities that CIGRE offers engineers for development and training. Companies should encourage and support engineers to attend conferences, webinars, and study CIGRE papers and brochures. More importantly the company should encourage engineers to take part in Working Groups and possibly take up the role of secretary. Members should physically attend at least one meeting per year ideally with the SC meeting. This will allow rapid development and formation of the critical network. The cost of travel and accommodation is minor compared to the benefit (both tangible and intangible) realised by the company in having a technical expert with access to a global network of knowledge development.

Companies are encouraged to realise the full benefit of CIGRE which is not just provision of information but also as the best organisation for development and training.

Life of Association

The ELECTRA 'Life of the Association' section offers the latest on our people and events from across the 94 countries in CIGRE's global community.

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