Life of the association

CIGRE Denmark - NGN 1st Annual General Meeting

The 1st CIGRE Denmark NGN Annual General Meeting (AGM) was successfully held on 27th September 2024 at the Technical University of Denmark. “Engineer the Future of the Danish Grid” was the theme of this AGM. The event was organised by the CIGRE Denmark NGN Executive Committee. More than 30 participants across Denmark attended the event both in person and online. The forum featured three sessions: Opening Address, Technical Presentations and Networking Reception.

By Gen Li and Daniela Pagnani

The event started with the Opening Address by Daniela PAGNANI the CIGRE Denmark NGN Chair. She made a presentation of “CIGRE Denmark & CIGRE NGN: Past, Present and Future”., highlighting the CIGRE NGN’s evolution and future directions.

Following the Opening Address,  the Technical Presentations session featured four keynote speakers:

  • Syed Hamza KAZMI from Accenture Denmark shared his experiences of joining CIGRE NGN.
  • Frank MARTIN from European Energy discussed "How Solar and Wind Developers See the New Challenges for Grid Compliance".
  • Gen LI from Technical University of Denmark presented "Pathways to an Academic Career – A Personal Experience".
  • Kim Høj JENSEN from Siemens Gamesa spoke on "Development and Challenges within Grid Integration of Wind Energy".

Attendees greatly appreciated the insightful presentations and actively engaged in discussions. The event concluded with a Networking Reception, fostering collaboration among professionals. Finally, the AGM host, Gabriel Miguel Gomes Guerreiro, provided a closing summary, expressing gratitude to all organizers and participants for their contributions to a successful meeting.

Life of Association

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