Technical brochure
TB 956 TF4 WG B4.04

Protocol for Reporting the Operational Performance of HVDC Systems

In the early days of HVDC CIGRE recognised the need to encourage the sharing of performance data on operating HVDC systems, to generate both confidence in the technology, and growth in the industry. It was considered that such information could be useful in the planning, design, construction and operation of new projects. It was also envisaged that the sharing of operational performance data could be of benefit to those concerned with the operation of existing HVDC systems or those planning new HVDC systems. It was clear that such reports were best prepared in accordance with a standardized procedure so that, with time, the accumulated data from several systems would establish a basis against which performance could be judged.

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DC Systems and power electronics

This Technical Brochure has been created by a Working Group from the CIGRE DC Systems and power electronics Study Committee which is one of CIGRE's 16 domains of work.
The scope of SC B4 covers High Voltage Direct Current systems and power electronic equipment for AC systems. The Study Committee also covers DC systems and equipment and Power Electronics for other applications such as distribution, and Power Quality improvement.

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