Power transformers and reactors
By Pascal Mueller, Chair, and Marc Foata, Secretary
The technical field of activity of Study Committee A2 is:
- Power transformers, including industrial, dc converter, and phase-shifting transformers for distribution, transmission, and renewable energy applications,
- Reactors, including shunt, series, saturated, and smoothing,
- Transformer components including bushings, tap changers and accessories.
Within its technical field of activity, Study Committee A2 addresses topics throughout the asset management life-cycle phases; from conception; through research, design, production,
deployment, operation, and end-of-life. At all stages, technical, safety, economic, environmental, and social aspects are addressed as well as interactions with, and integration into the evolving power system and the environment. All aspects of performance, specification, testing, and the application of testing techniques are within scope, with a specific focus on the impact of changing interactions and demands due to the evolution of the power system. Life cycle assessment techniques, risk management techniques, education and training are also important aspects.
For more details and regular updates on SC A2 activities, please visit our website.
CIGRE Centennial Session
The SC A2 Group Discussion Meeting (GDM) was held virtually with Study Committee Chair, Secretary and invited guests broadcasting live from a professional studio in the Palais des Congrès in Paris.
From left to right: Marc FOATA (Secretary), Pascal MÜLLER (Chair), Stefan TENBOHLEN (Special Reporter) and Dennis ALBERT (NGN member) in Studio during the Centennial Session
A Centennial keynote presentation entitled: “Study Committee Transformer: Historical and other Aspects” was given by Mr Pierre Boss (CH), a veteran of numerous CIGRE committees. He rolled back the tape of SC A2 history and presented his personal views on the challenges ahead.
Over the two half-days of the GDM, 207 delegates connected to the three virtual sessions moderated by the Special Reporters:
Special Reporters | Preferential Subjects |
Thomas OLESEN (DK) | Transformer technologies to enable integration of distributed renewable energy resources |
Alvaro PORTILLO (UY) | Advances in dielectric design and testing |
Stefan TENBOHLEN (DE) Janine JAGERS (ZA) | Improving reliability for transformers |
In addition to 27 original contributions presented live by experts from all parts of the world, the program also included Working Group progress reports, presentations of the 2020 session award-winning papers and a showcase of special contributions from four Next Generation Network (NGN) members:
NGN Members | Contributions |
Keneilwe SELEME (ZA) | Improving Reliability of Power Transformers in Distribution networks |
Caleb WALKER (GB) | Accurate Prediction of Transformer Residual Life |
Cristina MENDEZ (SP) | Analysis of the Effect of Transformer Manufacturing on the Dielectric Properties of Cellulosic Materials |
Dennis ALBERT (AT) | Measurement-Based Transformer Modelling Approach |
New A2 Advisory Groups
To implement its strategic plan and address the future challenges, SC A2 has added two new Advisory Groups on Digitalisation (Convenor: Patrick PICHER (CA)) and on Lower Voltage Applications (Convenor: Peter WERLE (DE)) to its leadership team. In 2021, both convenors recruited and assembled a group of experts and established strategic directions in their respective fields. This planning work will materialise in 2022 with the creation of new Working Groups.
Creation of SC A2 LinkedIn Page
SC A2 created in 2021 a LinkedIn Page to connect with members and, equally important, to reach outside of our CIGRE networks into the industry. The worldwide transformer community can now be regularly informed of SC A2 activities through the announcements of new working groups, technical brochures, conferences and much more. The page is maintained and frequently updated by Tara-lee MacARTHUR (AU); it has already collected in its first year more than 500 followers.
Working Groups
A total of fourteen working groups (WGs) have been supported by Study Committee A2 throughout 2021. These include four joint working groups with study committees A3, C4 and D1.
The list of the ten WGs still active at the end of 2021 is shown below, seven of which are scheduled to complete their work in 2022.
Active Working Groups | Convenors |
A2/C4.52: High-Frequency Transformer and Reactor Models for Network Studies | Bjorn GUSTAVSEN (NO) |
A2.54: Power Transformer Audible Sound Requirements | Christoph PLOETNER (DE) |
A2.55: Life Extension of Oil-Filled Transformers and Shunt Reactors | Pascal MUELLER (CH) |
A2.56: Power Transformer Efficiency | Zarko JANIC (HR) |
A2.57: Effects of DC Bias on Power Transformers | Dejan SUSA (NO) |
A2.58: Site Installation and Pre-commissioning of Power Transformers and Shunt Reactors | Ross WILLOUGHBY (AU) |
A2.60: Dynamic Thermal Behaviour of Power Transformers | Tim GRADNIK (SI) |
A2.62: Analysis of AC Transformer Reliability | Stefan TENBOHLEN (DE) |
Towards the end of 2021, two WGs have completed their work and submitted the final draft of their brochures, which were reviewed and approved by the SC for publication.
2021 Completed Working Groups | Convenors |
A2/D1.51: Improvements to PD Measurements for Factory and Site Acceptance Tests of Power Transformers | Sebastian COENEN (DE) |
A2.59: On-Site Assembly, On-Site Rebuild, and On-Site High Voltage Testing of Power Transformers | Yukiyasu SHIRASAKA (JP) |
Two new WGs have been approved in 2021 by the SC A2 Chair and are expected to start convening early in 2022.
New Working Groups | Convenors | End |
A2.65: Transformer Digital Twin – concept and future perspectives | Patrick PICHER (CA) | 2025 |
A2/D1.66: Breathing systems of liquid filled transformers and reactors | Daniel KOCH (DE) | 2025 |
Finally, a special Task Force was approved for the preparation of a Position Paper on “Measurement of Sound Levels at Site” under the leadership of Martin STOESSL (AT). This paper will be a extension of WG A2.54 and will address, in particular, some site effect issues that may come up once the transformer is installed in the substation as compared to the factory environment.
CIGRE active Working Groups / Call for experts
In 2021, two Technical Brochures were released by SC A2 for publication.
Coming soon - Technical Brochure of WG A2/D1.51 “Improvements to PD Measurements for Factory and Site Acceptance Tests of Power Transformers” available early 2022 on e-cigre.
A Reference Paper on “The Condition of Solid Transformer Insulation at End-of-Life” has been presented by a special Task Force led by Christoph KRAUSE. It has recently been approved by the Technical Council and is expected to appear early 2022 in Electra.
SC A2 has also supported the publication of the newest CIGRE-endorsed Springer "Handbook of Power Systems" with our Peter WERLE (DE) co-authoring the "Transformer" chapter.
Green Books
It was decided at the 2018 Paris session to write a Green Book on the “Transformer Procurement Process”. The contents of this Green Book are based largely on the work of current and recent Working Groups (A2-36, A2-42, A2-56, A2-58, and also A2-59). The proposal was approved at the start of 2019. The content of the Green Book was developed through 2019 and 2020. Editorial and approval work has continued through 2021, and it is now expected that the Green Book will be published during 2022. Special thanks are due to the editorial team – Gilson BASTOS (BR), Tom BRECKENRIDGE (GB), Mike LAMB (US), Tara-Lee MacARTHUR (AU), and Simon RYDER (GB).
It was decided at the 2021 virtual Paris session to write a second Green Book on “Transformer Life Management”. The contents of this Green Book will be based largely on the work of recent Working Groups (especially A2.34, A2.49, and A2.55). A proposal has been developed and submitted for approval. In parallel, an editorial team has been formed to lead the development of the content and identify suitable chapter authors. The members of the editorial team are as follows – Luiz CHEIM (US), Adesh GUPTA (IN), Tara-Lee MacARTHUR (AU), and Simon RYDER (GB). They have been supported in the development of the proposal by a number of other senior study committee members including Marc FOATA (DE) and Patrick PICHER (CA). It is expected that the Green Book will be ready for publication approximately three years after approval of the proposal, i.e. during 2025.
Tutorials are a great way to engage with our members and showcase the work of the Working Groups. In addition, SC A2 continues to support CIGRE National Committee and IEEE events.
The tutorials delivered in 2021 were:
- “On-Site Assembly, Rebuild and HV Testing of Power Transformer” at the Paris 2021 Centennial Session,
- “Partial Discharge Measurements for Factory and Site Acceptance Tests of Power Transformers” at both the CIGRE A2/B3 Colloquium in conjunction with CMDM 2021 in Bucharest and the IEEE CATCON-2021,
- “Life Extension of Oil Filled Transformers and Shunt Reactors” also at the CIGRE A2/B3 Colloquium in conjunction with CMDM 2021 in Bucharest,
- “Condition Assessment of Power Transformers” at the CIGRE 2021 Symposium in Ljubljana.
SC meetings
A virtual Study Committee meeting took place September 15th and 16th with overwhelming participation of over 85% of our 82 members. The next Study Committee meetings are scheduled during the 2022 Paris Session and the A2 2023 Colloquium in Croatia.
Participation in Regional Meetings, Colloquium and Symposium
CIGRE Study Committee A2 has sponsored the following major events during 2021:
- Centennial Symposium, Ljubljana (Slovenia), November 2021
- CMDM conference, Bucharest (Romania), October 2021
In 2021 SC A2 continued introducing NGN members to the world of CIGRE. Letting them hear from a working group of global experts also helps give them a broader appreciation for the industry and the opportunities it can present. We currently have fifteen NGN members in A2 helping with editing the Green Book, preparing reports, co-presenting, and organising the upcoming session.
So keep an eye out to join the NGN A2 group or get in contact with us today.
Women in Energy
SC A2 is dedicated to support active participation of women in energy within the Study Committee activities. There is currently two women engineers serving in the strategic committee as Advisory Group convenors. The committee has a standing agenda item for women in engineer feedback during Study Committee meetings. In 2021 SC Meeting, Ms Laetitia MAUGAIN (FR) gave a presentation on behalf of CIGRE WiE, indicating few changes and improvements that have taken place in the past year, including the name change, introduction of mentorship space and WiE members interested in joining Study Committees. SC members were encouraged to nominate women experts when new Working Groups are formed.