In Memoriam - Prof. Dr Milan CALOVIC
26 December 1932 – 28 February 2020

After graduation in 1957 in Belgrade prof. Ćalović worked for almost 20 years in Electricity Power Industry of Serbia, at different positions and departments, with the most important achievement, introducing the first analogues computer system for load frequency secondary control in the power system of Serbia. He got his Dr degree in 1973. The next 20 years his professional career was associated with Electricity Engineering department at the University of Belgrade where he was teaching and doing research, mainly in the domain of power system analysis and control. Internationally, the best known is his work on optimal load frequency control based on state space approach. He also participated in many consultancy type projects performed worldwide.
As a result of his activity more than 100 papers were published in high ranked scientific journals and conference proceedings, including several papers presented at CIGRE Sessions, together with many tenths of research project documents and numerous invited lectures in leading universities in US and Europe. As a part of his legacy are the 12 excellent university text-books (in Serbian) from the domain of power system operation planning, analysis and control still relevant today.
He started his CIGRE activity in 1962 first within the CIGRE NC of Yugoslavia (until 1992) and then within the NC of Serbia, chairing the NC SC C2 (then SC 39) twice, 1977-1985 and 1993-1997. His effort was important in keeping CIGRE NC of Serbia active and professionally focused during the hard years of civil war that were going on in ex-Yugoslavia in 90’s. As recognition of his overall activity and results during many decades he recently received CIGRE NC of Serbia Life achievement award.
Ninel Čukalevski