The values of CIGRE – In times of crisis

President of CIGRE
At the time of writing many of our fellow Cigreans are confined to their houses or adhering to severe restraints. Many are anxious and fearful of loved ones who may be ill or have been exposed to those that are. At this time, we still need to function as engineers to ensure the critical product that we provide is still available to all. It is even more critical now as health services are dependent on electrical energy. At the same time, we need to function with limited resources often remotely.
CIGRE’s community can assist in sharing methods and suggestions as to how they are coping at this difficult time. I would urge that this is done via our mailbox.
I thought that it was pertinent to review the Values of CIGRE at this time of trial. These are the basis upon which we, as the CIGRE community, operate.
CIGRE has a set of values established and published in CIGRE’s Strategy document available on It serves us well to remind ourselves periodically of the values and purpose of our CIGRE world community.
Providing completely unbiased technical information and solutions to electric power systems issues and problems
This value is one of cornerstones of the CIGRE community. Every effort is made to ensure that the information produced is completely unbiased and does not represent only one view. Our Working Groups are set up to ensure that a diverse mix of Experts take part in preparing Technical Brochures. Diversity in views includes many views beyond a particular country or company. Diversity in views is also benefited by our strategic initiative to grow our Women in Engineering and our Next Generation Network (young professionals) who take part in our Working Groups to extend this non bias value.
Disseminating knowledge without barriers to the global community
CIGRE prides itself in being able to share valuable, unbiased information with minimal barriers. In this regard CIGRE has reconfigured its document database to enable search engines to access the documents via search robots. If you search on Google with the topic and “cigre” you can see the CIGRE documents relating to the topic being highlighted. In addition, all Brochures older than 3 years are free to all Members and non-members. The CIGRE Science and Engineering, now a Scopus registered magazine of the highest standard, is also free to download allowing authors maximum exposure to their work. CIGRE will continue to work at expanding the dissemination of value to the CIGRE community. This includes conference papers, colloquia and symposium papers which will be centrally held for rapid access.
Open processes, guidelines, and finances
Corruption of any sort is a sure way to ensure an entity’s demise. CIGRE is therefore dedicated to ensuring processes, guidelines and finances are open to all stakeholders. Processes, statutes and rules are introduced following a consultation process for input. Application and compliance are auditable, and reports are available.
Making a difference
Partnering through our national committees to spread technical information for the betterment of society
This value is linked to Accessibility. The conferences arranged by the NCs are critical to share the latest information but also to allow networking of international experts that attend the events. This is why we encourage formation of smaller National Committees who can invite Study Committees and Working Groups to meet in their countries. As a Member of a small NC, I can state that the presence of CIGRE experts at conferences over the many years have enabled technical developments in all areas. This would not have been possible without the value of CIGRE to make a difference.
Growing and encouraging our members, including the young generation and women, through global participation to achieve their individual and collective goals in advancing electric power systems
As mentioned in previous Electras, CIGRE is one of the best training organisations globally. Participation in Working Groups by young engineers where they witness and take part in discussions with global experts on topics provides development not found in institutions or companies. CIGRE has expanded this to include activities of the CIGRE Academy which includes webinars given by the Working Group experts on the topics. We have also formalised the Next Generation Network as well as Women in Engineering to enable these members to flourish with increased programs and activities.
Collaborating with other international organisations of related interests
CIGRE has the opinion that it is better to work together to mutual benefit than to compete. A guideline to this effect was set up in 2017 wherein it was stated that we should entertain memorandum of understanding documents to be signed where there are mutual benefits to be realised. Recent examples are the GO15 organisation as well as the African Standards authority. CIGRE realises that the number of experts globally is limited and the ability of these experts to spend time working in different organisations to create documents is also constrained. Duplication of Working Groups or use of the same expert doing the same work in different organisations is considered counterproductive. We thus feel if we can collaborate the technical community can benefit.
Always honest and professional in our endeavours
This is another cornerstone of CIGRE which is non-negotiable. The behaviour, work ethic, and production of documents must be performed with the highest integrity. I am proud to say that the name of CIGRE is regarded with the highest respect and integrity globally. This is testament to the behaviour of the CIGRE community.
Ability to address and influence emerging issues affecting the electric power sector in a timely manner
This refers not only to technical issues but also to the changing digital environment. CIGRE has moved in 2019 to a digital form of our signature magazine, Electra, and is poised to launch a a more robust device-adaptable digital platform in August. From the technical side we realise that the hydrogen economy could be the next disruptor and as such we have set up a team of global experts to monitor the developments and advise on changes to CIGRE activities that may be required.
In these days of dramatic technological changes which will affect the entire power systems business practices and paradigms, CIGRE is the ideal platform to freely and openly acquire all the technological trends provided by our WG’s, Seminars, workshops sessions and publications.
CIGRE also needs to be flexible and allow for the changing world with disruptors such as the Corona virus, terrorism etc. To this end we are proposing to allow remote attendance of decision-making bodies such as the Administrative Council. We are also looking at permitting voting in this manner as well. This was not possible previously. Remote attendance of Working Groups, Technical Committee meetings etc has been in place for some time.
The values or backbone of how CIGRE works is critical for the community to understand. These values have been the stalwart of CIGRE community behaviour for decades. They were merely formalised in the strategy document. I know that as a member of the CIGRE community you will embrace them as these are likely to be part of the way you behave in any event.
At this time of uncertainty, the CIGRE community will no doubt stand together as it has done over the past century. I urge all Members to adhere to the restrictions and stay safe. As in previous situations such as World War 2 and more recent conflicts and tragedies, CIGRE has remained steadfast and resilient. I am confident we will survive and come out of the situation stronger and more unified than before.
As mentioned previously we can always learn from each other. I would urge members to send contributions as to the methods their organisations are undertaking to “keep the lights on” in the light of lockdowns and restrictions. Please send to
I hope to see you at a CIGRE event when the crisis is a memory.