

Michel Augonnet

President of CIGRE

Dear Colleagues,

About this time last year, CIGRE President Rob Stephen announced in the June edition of ELECTRA that the 2020 CIGRE Paris Session was postponed and an electronic session would take place. 2,500 members attended this remarkably successful session, especially when we consider that it was the first time such an event was organized, and that it was prepared very rapidly.

One year later we are facing the same dilemma: though global vaccinations have begun, COVID is still present. Due to travel restrictions and the risk of exposing our members in a large gathering - which is the essence of the Paris Session – CIGRE Administrative Council has made what I believe is a wise decision to postpone once more until 2022. The Palais des Congrès has facilitated this postponement for which we are thankful and grateful.

2021 remains a very special year, being the Centennial of CIGRE. We will hold a virtual Centenary Session that will have most of the characteristics of a ‘real’ session with the normal Panels, Group Discussion Meetings, and Tutorials; these will be held live so that all can participate remotely.

The Study Committees officials will be physically present in Paris to animate the individual sessions that will be set up in CIGRE TV studios. The event is scheduled over 10 days so that all time zones can attend without overstretched hours. An update by Philippe Adam in this ELECTRA edition will give you all the details.

Other news that you will see in ELECTRA show that, despite the restrictions faced around the world due to Covid-19, the power industry has been extremely resilient. We have adapted to this new work and health ethic and the articles in this issue show that we are progressing and focusing on the future.

The health and wellbeing of our members is the most important concern. We will all meet in  Paris in 2022 to celebrate the start of CIGRE’s second century!

Best regards,

Michel Augonnet

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