CIGRE Symposium Ljubljana 2021
We are announcing 41st CIGRE International symposium with title “Reshaping the Electric Power System Infrastructure” which will be held in Central Europe, in Slovenia, Ljubljana at Grand hotel Union, and will start exactly on the day of 100 years after the first CIGRE Session in Paris in 1921 was established. This Symposium will also be celebrating 40 years after the first CIGRE Symposium in Stockholm was held in 1981.

The symposium focuses on the future transformation of the electricity sector and the new framework of generation, transmission, distribution, and demand side. The changes on development and operation of the future electric power sector are expected to be amongst the most serious in the entire history of the electric power system.

Preferential subjects
Participating Study Committees: A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C3 and D1.
- PS1 - Structural changes of existing equipment and infrastructure
- PS2 - New equipment and infrastructure
- PS3 - Security of the network
Technical Committee approved 116 papers from 24 countries, where 90 papers will be presented in oral and others in the interactive poster sessions. Majority of submitted papers are from Europe (65), Asia (31), Americas (10) and 4 from other regions. 70 papers cover B Study Committees, 20 papers are from A Study Committees, 7 from D1 and others from C SCs. Symposium will offer 10 tutorials.
This CIGRE Symposium will be organized in hybrid version (physical event + virtual) with COVID-19 safe procedures in November 2021.
Registration will start on June 1, 2021.
Deadlines Call for papers
- Reception of synopses: 31 October 2020
- Notification of acceptance : 20 November 2020
- Receipt of full paper: 26 February 2021
- Notification of final acceptance: 16 April 2021
Visit our website for more information

Visit our website for more information
Credit thumbnail and banner : Greenvalley Pictures on Unsplash - Drone view shot of Ljubljana Summer 2020 / Dimitry Anikin on Unsplash - Aerial View of Ljubljana, Slovenia.