Technical brochure
TB 847 WG B4.78

Cyber Asset Management for HVDC and FACTS

CIGRE Technical Brochure 847 was developed by the Working Group B4.78 which was established in 2018. The main objectives of the WG were to provide a roadmap to address (i) HVDC/FACTS cyber security vulnerability and impacts of changing regulatory requirements, (ii) HVDC/FACTS cyber asset reduced life expectancy and replacement timelines, (iii) HVDC/FACTS cyber asset technical resource availability, training requirements, and vendor supplied continuous cyber asset security and maintenance programs and (iv) Specification of responsibilities for a HVDC/FACTS cyber security asset, divided between product vendor, system integrator, and asset owner.

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DC Systems and power electronics

This Technical Brochure has been created by a Working Group from the CIGRE DC Systems and power electronics Study Committee which is one of CIGRE's 16 domains of work.
The scope of SC B4 covers High Voltage Direct Current systems and power electronic equipment for AC systems. The Study Committee also covers DC systems and equipment and Power Electronics for other applications such as distribution, and Power Quality improvement.

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