Global connections

Roadmaps to a common destination: Decarbonization of energy systems

This paper summarizes the contributions of 4 distinguished experts, who present the decarbonization goals of the energy systems in Europe, USA, China and Australia at the CIGRE/ETIP SNET panel in August 2021. The presentations include the status of the energy systems, the main challenges faced in advancing their transition, set time-schedules and milestones for achieving transition goals, and the research and innovation requirements and plans to tackle them. Specific research programmes announced or planned are briefly described. In all contributions, it is clearly shown that the vision of energy decarbonization is shared among all parts. The challenges in energy system transition are similar and despite the differences due to particular regional characteristics, the steps to the common destination are broadly aligned. The R&I challenges are also similar, highlighting the value of exchanging knowledge and experiences about the way the energy transition is planned and realized at international level, especially among leading countries that share the common vision of energy systems decarbonization.

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Global Connections

Global Connections Section includes invited articles and interviews along with CIGRE articles to broaden global power system expertise. Invited authors and interviews approved by the Electra Editorial Board may express opinions solely their own.

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