Editorial by Marcio Szechtman, Technical Council Chair
Under the environmental changes we are experiencing, the 2022 CIGRE Biennial Paris Session will represent a turning for our lives, as it will be the first Session in the second century of CIGRE, the first regularly established after creating the paradigm of being organized as an End-to-End forum and hopefully after a full recovery from the covid-19 pandemic.

Technical Council Chair
The 2022 Paris Session will follow two other Sessions of special nature: the 2020 e-session and the 2021 CIGRE Centennial Celebration Session. In addition, the 2022 Session started a new procedure of Session papers selection, in order to achieve a full excellence in these papers, carefully reviewed in full according to most comprehensive procedures.
The 4.0 Industry thinking, the impressive development of digitalization, the proliferation of Active Distribution Networks combined with the dramatic need for increasing the utilization of renewable energy sources towards reaching a carbon-free society, all these factors represent a major change on mindset regarding scopes of new Working Groups, Symposia, Workshops and, certainly, in the selection of Preferential Subjects for our Biennial Sessions.
The new paradigms derived from the above mentioned facts bring up an effect of vanishing of frontiers, which turns out to be a big challenge for us as an international organization based on volunteer work, to address timely and exciting subjects for discussion and publications, with an optimal and suitable allocation of contributions at each Study Committee.
Every challenge, at the end, would mean an opportunity for our growth. This is the main target of all 16 Study Committees that compose the Technical Council of CIGRE.
The Preferential Subjects here selected are in line with thoughts, concerns, vision of the future, new trends, as well as the establishment of CIGRE as an outstanding platform for power system expertise. On behalf of CIGRE Officers, Study Committees Chairs, allied with our main governing bodies (Administrative Council and Steering Committee), I therefore urge authors to examine the proposed Preferential Subjects for each Group Discussion Meeting and look forward to receive a large number of high quality, interesting and thought provoking papers for our 2022 Session.