30th CIGRE Greece National Conference “e-session 2020”
The CIGRE National Committee of Greece organized its 30th National Conference “e-Session 2020” on the 26th of November 2020. This biennial National Conference was initially scheduled for April 2020, but it was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The “e-Session” was held on-line with great success. Everything went very smoothly with the substantial assistance from the CIGRE Central Office in Paris and the local organizing committee. The “e-Session” attracted more than 400 attendees, more than double previous in-person events.
The “e-Session” was organized in five sessions. The Opening Session was devoted to welcome speeches by CIGRE President Michel Augonnet, officials from the Greek TSO and DSO,as well as three keynote presentations on the topics of the EU Clean Energy Package, the Interconnections of the Aegean Islands to the Continental Power System of Greece, and the TSO-DSO Collaboration in Market Environment. It was followed by four sessions:
- System planning and market
- Smart grid and distributed generation applications
- Distribution network
- New technologies and applications in power transmission
Time was allocated between sessions for on-line spontaneous questions and answers.
In total, 28 presentations were made. The official language of the e-session was Greek; however 7 presentations were made in English, including one paper from abroad. Conference material is available here, i.e.:
- Technical Program
- Abstracts
- Organizing-Committee

Established in the early 1960’s, CIGRE in Greece has a rich 60 year history and a result of Greek electrical engineers contacts with the International CIGRE organization and operated as a Liaison Office with the central organization, ensuring national CIGRE activities. After 1976, the Greek National Committee for CIGRE was formally created and originally fostered by the Public Power Corporation, the country’s vertically integrated power utility. In 1989, the Committee obtained its current legal form as a non-profit scientific organization and currently, comprises more than 260 members.
The Committee has active participation in the international CIGRE activities (i.e. Study Committees, Working Groups, and Conferences). In the last four decades it has established its prominent role in knowledge sharing in the electricity domain in the country by organizing more than 40 scientific events, namely:
- The biennial National Conference which is the most prestigious event in the electrical energy sector, attracting speakers and audience from power utilities, industry, and academia.
- Colloquia in the years between devoted to the conclusions of Paris Sessions; They attract a large audience and frequently host high-level international and local speakers.
This long and successful tradition was not interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. On the contrary, the 30th CIGRE Greece National Conference “e-Session 2020” was proven a great success in terms of subject coverage, paper content, and presentation quality attracting increased interest within the Greek power community. CIGRE Greece National Committee expresses its appreciation to its largest Collective Members, IPTO (the Greek TSO) and HEDNO (the Greek DSO), for their significant contribution to the successful organization of this event.
Greek National Committee wishes also to express its gratitude to CIGRE Central Office for making the software tools available for the event organization and for the training and support provided before and during the session. We also thank all paper authors and conference participants.

Illustration credit: Thumbnail by Xuan Nguyen on unsplash - Ia (Greece)