CIGRE Science & Engineering (CSE) - The technical magazine of choice
I am pleased to inform you that CIGRE’s technical magazine, CIGRE Science and Engineering (CSE), will publish another issue at the end of February 2021. It is reassuring that, in spite of the current COVID situation globally, the technical work and compilation of excellent papers, has continued unabated.

By Rob Stephen, Editor in Chief of CSE
The CSE magazine is Scopus registered (ISSN / E-ISSN: / 2426-1335) and is free download to all. This allows for maximum exposure of the authors’ work. The papers are reviewed by international experts nominated by the Study Committee chairpersons. At least three reviews are conducted per paper ensuring the author receives fair and objective feedback. The fact that most papers are required to undertake some enhancements ensures the high quality of the papers are maintained.
The February edition contains papers on the following topics:
HVDC is featured in a number of papers. There is a paper dealing with control of HVDC multiterminal VSC networks. A paper on HVDC electrodes provides information on modelling used in Brazil. The HVDC grid development and protection challenges experienced in Europe is covered in a paper from the UK.
System operation with renewables is widely covered. Papers deal with modelling and experience of actual operation challenges and solutions.
A reference paper on System Strength compiled by a select group of people is also included. This was developed by SC C4 (Power system technical performance), following the successful e-workshop during last year's session which was repeated with more content in Australia towards end of 2020. This reference paper covers internationally accepted practices and definitions and is of great value to operators.
There are also papers on components. These include test procedures for insulator adhesion for housings, another on kraft paper properties for transformers and integration of cables in a mixed AC system. The latter reflects a decade a research.
If you would like to publish in this prestigious, scopus registered, magazine please email me.
- Click here for all information on how to go about publishing
- Download this edition or previous editions (free download)
The latest edition of the CIGRE Science & Engineering Journal is available on e-cigre.