Technical brochure
TB 868 WG C2.24

Mitigating the risk of fire starts and the consequences of fires near overhead lines for System Operations

History shows that electricity infrastructure has started many wildfires (or “bushfires”) around the world including in the United States and Australia. Since powerlines are often installed to supply customers living in remote and densely vegetated locations, fires caused by electricity infrastructure when fire weather conditions are elevated, are found to result in extreme consequences (Energy Networks Association 2020, Miller et al 2017).

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Power system operation and control

This Technical Brochure has been created by a Working Group from the CIGRE Power System operation and control Study Committee which is one of CIGRE's 16 domains of work.
The scope of the SC C2 covers the technical, human resource and institutional aspects and conditions for a secure and economic operation of power systems in a way that is in compliance with requirements for network security, against system disintegration,
equipment damages and human injuries, and security of electricity supply. The members of C2 mainly come from transmission system operators. The SC is encouraging young members to participate in its activities.

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