CIGRE Brasil - Electroenergetic Systems within the Environment of Society 5.0, in the Perspective and Orientation of Sustainability and Resilience – Volumes 1 & 2
This book, written under the sponsorship of the Brazilian National Committee, expresses a prospective incursion and exercise of electroenergetic systems considering the nucleous of the diversity and pace of change of knowledge realms which will define the next development momentum of the world society, in every country.

Indeed, the namely 5.0 electroenergetic environment is a natural consequence of the evolutionary transformations inspired in technologies and systems, business models and markets, processes and people needs and attitudes which should drive the new emergent society. Its bases are structured on socioeconomic inclusion, knowledge, and networking principles, continuous leadership, resilience and sustainability, recognized co-shared, planetary and cosmic integration and responsibility. Time application: from the 21st century and beyond.
The main objective of this publication is to provide readers with a mosaic of contents that allow them to understand the extent of the challenges that will be present and will shape the future society 5.0 in which we will all live. Thus, among them, in a first group, the development of knowledge and equity, the constitution and principles of the 5.0 society with some of its main constituents.
The second group deals with complexity and governance and adaptive capacity in the face of complexity and uncertainties, with the counterpoint of innovation and expansion of knowledge and new ways imposed to lead and manage organizations.
Then, what is built in for assure resilience, sustainability and networking in a holistic approach. A sample of technical aspects comprising new interconnected system operation, the net zero energy matrix, information and communication systems, new operational functions requested including CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration), intelligent distribution, and electro-energy materials. Special attention to education with well succeeded experiment in engineering learning and systems thinking. And finally, but most least, the consumer perspective.
The book, gathering seventeen chapters fulfilling 699 pages, in two volumes, is available, on demand, on the following Amazon websites: here and here.