CIGRE Türkiye - Third Power Systems Conference
CIGRE Türkiye National Committee’s Power Systems Conference 2022 - one of the most important power systems conferences in Türkiye was held in Ankara October 18-19, 2022. The conference brought power systems sector together: academics, companies, and public representatives gathered to discuss about the present as well as future of the sector.

Ankara - Türkiye
18-19 October 2022
The conference started with an opening ceremony with the opening speech of Chairman of NC of Türkiye, Dr. İzzet Alagöz, which received very high attention of the audience and media. This was followed by “Electricity History of Türkiye” panel, “Wie Forum” and “NGN Forum”, 7 sessions and three Special Sessions organized within the scope of conference. Over 400 delegates attended the opening session. Besides, the sessions, panel and forums, CIGRE Study Committee meetings are conducted during the conference. Power Systems Conference 2022 accepted 35 papers which were presented during the 7 different conference sessions. in addition, accepted papers will be published in TEPES, CIGRE Türkiye NC’s academic magazine.
A survey was organized amongst the conference attendee to validate their awareness of the various activities of CIGRE, NGN, and WiE. The survey results were discussed in the closing ceremony.
The first conference was organized in 2016, and second in 2018 but 2020 was cancelled due to the global pandemic.
Main Topics
The main topics for the conference papers were all within the score of CIGRE Study Committees’. All the accepted papers are classified in 13 subjects such as C6, C2, B2, A2, A3, B5, C3, B3, B4, C1, C2, C5 and D2.
Key Findings
35 papers were accepted and presented by the authors during the sessions. The papers are focused on the topics which are aims to solve contemporary problems such as:
- Calculation of Power Outage Costs (VOLL) by Regional Factors Customer Categories and Examining its Relation with Grid Reliability,
- Developing a Decision Support System Based on Technical Economic Analysis for Determining the Most Appropriate MV Voltage Level, Equipment Selection and Maintenance Strategies,
- Surge Arrester Selection Against Intermittent Earth Faults,
- Investigation of the Effect of Corona Ring Design Parameters on Electric Field Distribution by Finite Element Method,
- Design and Optimization of Synchronous Reluctance Motor for Micro-Mobility Vehicles,
- TEKİS: TEİAŞ Electric Power Quality and Grid Monitoring System,
- Deep Learning Based Intrusion Detection System for Power Systems,
- Optimal Placement of Phase Shifting Transformer for Congestion Management in High Wind Generation Areas using Meta-Heuristics,
- Transmission Expansion Planning Using Harris Hawks Optimization Method,
- Comparative Grid Code Analysis of IEEE and Türkiye: Std 2800 vs Ek-18,
- Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of a Jumper Conductor Set used in Power Transmission Line Towers under Wind Effect,
- Solar Power Generation and Short-Term Change in Power Generation Analysis Based on Weather Conditions,
- Design of On-Grid Microgrid Using PVsyst and HOMER,
- Optimum Generation Maintenance Scheduling Considering Regional Reserve Constraints, -Development of Cross-Arms from Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Square Tube Sections for Use in Overhead Power Transmission Towers,
- Generation Forecast System for PV Plants in Turkey,
- Emergency Pole Design in Turkish Electricity Distribution Network,
- Investigation of the Effect of Harmonic System on Power Transformer,
- 3D Analysis of Electromagnetic Forces in Short Circuit State of Power Transformer,
- Fault Detection in Power Transmission Lines with Artificial Intelligence,
- Harmonic Effect Analysis of Distributed Generation in Distribution Networks,
- Use of Storage Systems and Renewable Energy Resources in Black Start Process for Electric System Restoration,
- Evaluation of Setting and Test Data for Distance Protection Relays, Monitoring And Management Of Conditions Of The Electrical Grid With Sensor Network Systems,
- Optimum Operation of the Day-Ahead Energy Management System of Based Battery and PV system a Microgrid,
- Field Measurements for Determining Partial Discharge in Power Transformers,
- Preparation of Climate Maps According to the Methods Specified in International Standards, -Reduction Of Losses Caused By Transformer Connectıon Conductors On The Tank Cover, Dynamic Modelling Guidelines for Wind Power Plants,
- Australian Testcase, LVDC Distribution Grids and DC Roadmap of Turkish Electricity Distribution System, Short-Term Solar Power Prediction with ANN,
- Based Metaheuristic Methods, FACTS Applications in 400 kV Interconnected Electric Network System,
- Investigation of Losses in Electricity Distribution Systems Under Case Study of Kahramanmaraş,
- Review on the SOC Estimation Methods, Green Transformation in Industry; Solar Power Plant Applications in the Textile Sector.
Results and Feedbacks
An official certificate was distributed by CIGRE Türkiye National Committee for the authors whose papers were accepted for the conference.
The conference received national media coverage including the biggest media agencies of Türkiye. Dr. İzzet Alagöz was interviewed by national television, news agencies, and newspapers during the conference such as Sabah, AA, İHA, TRT and HaberTurk.
More information on conference here.
Banner & Thumbnail credit: Photo by ekrem osmanoglu on Unsplash