Life of the association

CIGRE Science & Engineering (CSE) - The technical magazine of choice

By Rob Stephen, Editor in Chief of CSE

CIGRE provides a premier digital magazine, CIGRE Science and Engineering (CSE). Interested authors are encouraged to publish in this (Scopus registered) magazine.

This Scopus registered (E-ISSN 2426-1335) magazine provides the following benefits:

  1. Free publication – no financial obligation to authors.
  2. Free download – maximum exposure for authors’ work
  3. Rigorous review – reviewers are selected from the most knowledgeable experts globally by the Study Committee chairpersons.
  4. Rapid publication – the time from submission to publication can be from 6-9 months depending on the revisions required and availability in the CSE edition.
  5. Open access to all interested parties. Free download to all (you do not have to be a CIGRE member)
  6. Advertising of the most pertinent papers on LinkedIn and Twitter

The details as to the Scopus registration and the current rating of CSE are given below:

“CIGRE Science and Engineering, ISSN:2426-1335”. The journal is active and indexed in Scopus.

Advertising, continue reading below

In February 2023 CSE reached a landmark Cite Score of unity with 97 references out of 101 papers. This is an incredible achievement from the score of 0,4 in 2020. Authors can be assured that, if their papers are selected for publication, that they will be referenced. In addition the impact factor is very high with free download and circulation to all CIGRE members in over 90 countries. 

The review process is extremely rigorous with reviewers hand-picked by the SC chairpersons. The reviewers are therefore all experts in the topic covered by the paper under review. As such, when the paper is accepted, the authors can rest assured that their paper will stand any scrutiny from readers globally. Unfortunately, due to the rigorous review process, many papers are rejected. This assures the highest quality of papers are published.

CIGRE continues to advertise four of the papers from the edition on Twitter and LinkedIn platforms enabling readers to immediately access these on their devices to read whenever and wherever they may be.

The 28th Edition published in March, mainly covers important developments relating to operation of the network with high penetration of IBR. There is also a paper on the Thesis award selected by a CIGRE panel of experts as well as “best of” paper from the recent conference in the Gulf States. An excellent paper on assessing composite insulators which can be used by utilities as a valuable guide, is also included.

If you would like to publish in this prestigious, Scopus registered, magazine please email rob.stephen((@))

All information on how to go about publishing can be found at

CSE 28 available on
CSE Archives available on e-cigre

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