Technical brochure
TB 894 WG D1.54

Basic principles and practical methods to measure the AC and DC resistance of conductors of power cables

Transmission systems, such as high voltage overhead lines and cables, are an integral part of the power grid. Due to large currents and their electrical resistance, the inner or main conductor of such a cable or transmission line is responsible for most of its electrical losses, as evidenced by its heat dissipation. This brochure deals with the accurate resistance measurement of power cable conductors, typically used in AC and DC transmission systems.

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Materials and emerging test techniques

This Technical Brochure has been created by a Working Group from the CIGRE Materials and emerging test techniques Study Committee which is one of CIGRE's 16 domains of work.
The scope of Study Committee D1 covers new and existing materials for electrotechnology, diagnostic techniques and related knowledge rules, as well as emerging test techniques with expected impact on power systems in the medium to long term.

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