In Memoriam - Árni Björn Jónasson
1946 - 31 May 2020

Árni Björn Jónasson, born 1946 in Iceland, passed away on May 31st 2020.
Arni was a very active member in the CIGRE Study Committee B2 “Overhead Lines”. He was convener of B2.61 “Transmission Line Structures with Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites”, a very timely and modern subject, and finished the brochure recently. He unfortunately did not survive to see the publication and fruit of his hard work. His enthusiasm and speed with which he undertook this task was an example to all. He was so dedicated that he wanted to continue with another WG and just shortly before he died he has been nominated as Convenor of B2.81 “Increasing the Strength Capacity of Existing Overhead Transmission Line Structures”. He told us in a mail how much he was looking forward starting the new challenge.
Arni Björn Jonasson was a dedicated technician. He obtained his BSc in Civil Engineering at the University of Iceland and his MSc in Civil and Structural Engineering at the DTH Copenhagen.With additional training he became an expert for overhead lines, for conductor vibration and galloping, loads from wind and ice, avalanche protection, environmental tower design, maintenance and many other areas.
Arni was full of life, ideas and positive energy to everyone around him. He founded approximately ten companies in Iceland, Norway, Turkey, France, Poland, Russia, mainly working in the field of engineering and constructing for overhead line structures in the voltage range from 33kV to 500kV, telecommunication masts, buildings, and was also involved in hydro power projects. He and his companies had more than 120 projects, among them concerning e.g. mechanical design, international tendering, Expert witness and supervision, strengthening of structures, studies, in many European countries, in Turkey, Tanzania, Ghana, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Syria and Saud-Arabia.
Arni was not only a very competent structural engineer, but at the same time a very successful company manager, a very rare combination.
In spite of all his knowledge and success, Arni was a humble person and could be approached for any advice. Speaking to him you would not expect him to be a person of such stature. His humility increased the respect others had for him.
Arni was an exceptional wine connoisseur. It is reported, that his legendary wine cellar is the largest in Iceland. Arni was also a devoted sportsman and nobody and nothing could move him to postpone his salmon fishing. He died during fishing holidays in the region of his favourite river in North Iceland.
Our deepest condolences are with his family, and wishes to overcome this difficult and sad situation.
We all will remember Arni with his typical whimsical smile.
Study Committee B2