
President of CIGRE
Dear CIGRE Friends and Colleagues,
Welcome to another edition of ELECTRA!
This month’s articles visit several parts of the globe on varied energy transition programs, and we can each very easily visualize the different options available for distinctive climates and levels of economic development. This is a CIGRE advantage: we share the information freely so that all may learn and prosper. Equally important to read are the articles discussing ‘equipment life’ whether it be power electronics hardware or, being carefully looked at in this edition, the aging – or ‘treeing’ – of transmission cables.
Another interesting article concerns net load stability being seen with the increased levels of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), particularly in islanded power systems. The ‘Cyprus Dachshund Dog Curve’ is a new way to show power system operating curves for peak hours.

As always, climate change is in the news around the world. Major heat waves are affecting the Northern Hemisphere this year as well as massive rainfall in regions that would not normally see such heavy saturation. Greece and Canada are suffering from important wildfires as well. These wide-ranging climate issues have severe consequences for power systems and physical infrastructure, roads, railways, etc. As power system experts, we must all be prepared for any and all types of meteorological variations; the normal weather patterns experienced around the world are no longer valid.
I would like to introduce you to a new section within the ‘Life of the Association’. Since the creation of Next Generation Network and Women in Engineering groups, it is now time to begin introducing some of the members. There are Q&A interviews with a member of each group in which they give their perspective on CIGRE membership as well as where they are in their career goals. These members are our future, they will lead the way once many of us have retired. Sharing knowledge and knowing how it is being used, and modernized, is so vital to who we are.
I wish you all good reading,
Best regards,
Michel Augonnet