CIGRE Science & Engineering (CSE) - The technical magazine of choice

By Rob Stephen, Editor in Chief of CSE
CIGRE provides a premier digital magazine, CIGRE Science and Engineering (CSE). Interested authors are encouraged to publish in this (Scopus registered) magazine.
This Scopus registered (E-ISSN 2426-1335) magazine provides the following benefits:
- Free publication – no financial obligation to authors.
- Free download – maximum exposure for authors’ work
- Rigorous review – reviewers are selected from the most knowledgeable experts globally by the Study Committee chairpersons.
- Rapid publication – the time from submission to publication can be from 6-9 months depending on the revisions required and availability in the CSE edition.
- Open access to all interested parties. Free download to all (you do not have to be a CIGRE member)
- Advertising of the most pertinent papers on LinkedIn and Twitter
The details as to the Scopus registration and the current rating of CSE are given below:
“CIGRE Science and Engineering, ISSN:2426-1335”. The journal is active and indexed in Scopus.
If you would like to publish in this prestigious, Scopus registered, magazine please email rob.stephen((@))
All information on how to go about publishing can be found at
CSE 29 available on
CSE Archives available on e-cigre