CIGRE West Africa – Report of the June 2023 Kick-Off meeting for the election of Study Committee representatives
As part of the West African Power Pool General Assembly held in November 2019 in Abuja, Nigeria, the Constitutive General Assembly of the CIGRE West African National Committee (WA NC) was organised. This marked the official establishment and signing of the statutes by the members present at the meeting.

Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
14 - 16 June 2023
by the West African CIGRE National Committee
M Sylla CIGRE West Africa NC, S Nguefeu Secretary SC B3, and K Dedekind, Chair SC C6
In accordance with the statutory provisions of the CIGRE WA NC, the body was required to nominate and elect 16 Study Committee (SC) members to represent the region in the respective International CIGRE structure.
The kick-off meeting was arranged in June 2023 by the West African Power Pool Secretariat, with support from the World Bank, to enlighten the prospective SC members of the role that would be expected from them. Their responsibility to facilitate the communication and participation between regional West African experts and the respective CIGRE Study Committees was highlighted. The session culminated with the election of the regional Study Committee members. The elected members will initially be included as Observer Members in each of the respective 16 Study Committees.
Meeting Program
The meeting venue was in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire at a venue linked to the Mövenpick Hotel. The sessions over the three days were facilitated and hosted by the CIGRE West African National Committee. The opening ceremony was followed by several presentations relating to the expected responsibilities and roles that are expected from the elected Study Committee members. This was followed by a more detailed breakdown of the scope of work and related activities of each of the 16 CIGRE Study Committees. An overview of the platforms used by CIGRE, such as the KMS platform and gaining maximum benefit from the e-CIGRE site, concluded the formal presentations at the session. The election of the respective Study Committee members to represent the West African National Committee and region followed.

The meeting commenced with a welcome address by Mr Siengui A.KI, Secretary General of the West African Power Pool (WAPP), and the Secretary General of CIGRE WA NC. He expressed his gratitude to the member utilities for allowing their experts to take part in the CIGRE activities and emphasised the importance attached to the responsibility of the Study Committee members in the functioning of the regional WA NC. He also expressed his gratitude to the World Bank for their ongoing financial support.
In his opening address, Mr Paul Assie’ KOUANDE, Advisor to the Director General of CI-ENERGIES emphasised the role that the CIGRE WA NC will play in the evolution of their electricity sector. He noted that there is an expectation that as experts in the electricity sector, that the various Study Committees will transform the challenges facing the region into opportunities for development of a technically and financially viable electricity system.
The meeting was chaired by Abdulkadir Gwaram ADAMU from Nigeria. 60 Experts from 12 Collective WA NC members were present at the meeting, together with representatives from the WAPP Secretariat and the WA NC. Kurt Dedekind, representing the CIGRE Africa WG at the meeting, and Samuel Nguefeu from SC B3, facilitated the CIGRE related presentations and discussions during the first two days.

The sessions in progress facilitated by Mamadou Sylla, Samuel Nguefeu and Kurt Dedekind
The kick-off meeting concluded with the election of the 16 Study Committee members that will be representing the West African National Committee as their regional representatives. Each of the elected Study Committee Regional Activity Groups that were also established at the session, were then able to highlight some of the immediate challenges facing the region. These topics of interest will be shared with the respective international Study Committee Chairs for their consideration. The members will initially be absorbed by each of the CIGRE Study Committees as Observer members.
We wish the newly constituted West African National Committee much success in its journey towards becoming a major contributor to the CIGRE family and its workings.