CIGRE NGN at the Cairns 2023 International Symposium
CIGRE Australia looks forward to welcoming you to the 2023 Cairns Symposium 4-7 September. This event will be hosted by the Study Committees C2 and C5.

The theme of the Symposium is "The End to End electricity system: transition, development, operation and integration". The exhibition space has been booked out with currently 48 different exhibitors including several international companies.
Keynote speakers for the opening and the WiE breakfast have been confirmed (refer for further detail on sponsors and keynote speakers). Based on current known registrations, we are expecting in excess of 700 delegates to attend.
The following eleven Study Committees will participate in this symposium:
- A3 — Transmission and Distribution Equipment
- B1 — Insulated cables
- B3 — Substations and electrical installations
- B5 — Protection and automation
- C1 — Power system development and economics
- C2 — Power system operation and control
- C4 — Power system technical performance
- C5 — Electricity markets and regulation
- C6 — Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources
- D1 — Materials and emerging test techniques
- D2 — Information systems and telecommunication
Over 300 papers will be presented including the local SEAPAC (South East Asia Protection Automation and Control) and CIDER (Conference on Integration of Distributed Energy Resources) events. Symposium registration gets the delegate access to all the Symposium presentations as well as SEAPAC and CIDER.
There will be a significant focus dedicated to the Next Generation Network throughout the session, with organisation of the following confirmed and underway:
5 September (6:00pm - 7:30pm AEST): NGN networking evening
- The NGN Networking event will be held at Hotel Shangri-la. The aim of this event is for NGN members to gather together early during the symposium and get to know one another. The preference is for this to occur in an informal environment to break the ice, and encourage participation and engagement during the more formal NGN Forum and Presentations the following day.
6 September (morning): NGN Forum. Theme: Enabling Knowledge Transfer; Energising Industry Transition
- The aim of this event is for key NGN members to prepare and present on a particular suite of topics. A panel discussion will close the event, with opportunities for questions from the audience.
6 September (afternoon): NGN presentations
- The aim of this event is for any NGN members in attendance to present their work to an international audience, and be given constructive feedback from a panel of judges.
- Note we are still accepting submissions. Please contact the NGN for further information.
NGN stand near the exhibition area
Registration for this event is still open, and can be accessed via the following link.